Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Want To See The Face Of Evil? Just Look At The Assistant Secretary For Health, Dr. Richard "Rachel" Levine, Another Diabolical Frankenstein Creation...

  Get this from the web.  (I will add quotation marks and emphasis where I feel it is necessary to show the lunacy of these creatures): "Is Dr Levine a man or a woman?"

"Well, at birth, Dr. Levine was named Richard Levine. He grew up using the same name and identifying as male. He even got married to a wife and had two children with her. However, Dr. Levine states that "she" struggled with "her" identity and always wanted to be a "woman."

Such deniers of the Natural Law are beyond belief!  But that's only part of the madness...

Dr. Richard Levine "called on doctors to serve as “ambassadors” in the attempt to normalize transgenderism."

It also said this: “I believe in our role as truth-tellers. And the truth that we need to confront now is that medicine and science are being politically perverted.”

Can you believe that this creature claims that he (she or it?) is a truth teller???

I could post numerous articles to show that this guy is doing the work of Satan and his minions in trying to corrupt the moral, physical and spiritual well-being of minors -- especially minors!

Here is one from lifesitenews.com...

Revealing email shows Biden official ‘Rachel’ Levine sought research to justify trans surgeries for kids - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com).

Or, how about this one from breitbart.com...

Levine Calls on Docs to Be 'Ambassadors' to Normalize Transgenderism (breitbart.com)

These creatures have been installed by the apostate "Catholic" sitting in the Oval Office...  Need I say more?? 

Folks, we are being bombarded with evil.  It surrounds us on all sides.  We are getting little to no help from the novus ordo "shepherds," in fact, many of those prelates are a major part of the problem, being sodomites and Marxists themselves.  So, Who do we have to turn to in these desperate, unholy, diabolical times? 

Our Lord and His holy Church of Tradition, the authentic Magisterium and the traditional Latin Mass of the ages!

Protect you children, at all costs, from these monsters, these wolves in sheep's clothing... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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