Wednesday, December 7, 2022

It's The Almighty Dollar, "Diversity" And "Inclusion"... But What About Sin???

  When was the last time you read about Sodom and Gomorrah and what fate befell those hell-hole cities swimming in unnatural vice?


I will post an entire article I just read on, and you will not believe why the U.S. is so outraged!  Then again, maybe you will... But first, here is the title:  US Warns of Impact on Investment, Tourism, as Indonesia Okays Outlawing Extramarital Sex.

I should point out that Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country: Number one, Muslims believe that killing pre-born babies is murder and hence they don't sanction it as some kind of "right" as the murderers in the U.S. do and go to extremes to protect that "right."

They also believe in fidelity to one's spouse, as opposed to easy divorce and promiscuity so prevalent here in the land of the free and the home of the brave...

As you read this article, please remember that the morally and spiritually corrupt Biden "administration" are Marxist haters of Christ, our Lord, and want to impose their vile version of "democracy" on other nations.  And when those other nations resist the attempt of some very bad actors to destroy their sovereignty, the U.S. employs sometimes very sinister measures to make those nations regret their stance!

( – "The United States is assessing legislation passed by Indonesian lawmakers Tuesday that outlaw's sex outside of marriage – including for non-citizens – and is concerned about its impact on civil liberties and the investment climate for U.S. companies, State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters.

“Indonesia is a valued democratic partner of the United States,” Price said. “We seek to work together with Indonesia to counter hatred, intolerance and build more prosperous and inclusive societies. We’ll continue to do that by supporting democracy and promoting respect for human rights.

"While the extramarital sex ban is drawing most attention, the new criminal code legislation includes numerous other controversial provisions, among them the criminalization of cohabitation between unmarried couples, adultery, contraception education for minors, and the insulting of state institutions including the presidency and legislature.

Elsewhere in the 624-provision code are bans on the spreading of Communist or Marxist-Leninist teaching, the dissemination of exaggerated or inaccurate news, and the organizing of demonstrations without notification that cause a public disturbance. Blasphemy regulations are also tightened.

Those convicted of outlawed behavior face fines and prison terms – up to a year in the case of an unmarried couple caught having sex.

"Approval of the code by the 575-member People’s Representative Council (DPR) came three weeks after the world’s third-largest democracy hosted President Biden and other G20 leaders for a summit on Bali, a tourist resort island with a reputation for partying and hook-up culture.

"In a speech on Monday, U.S. Ambassador to Indonesia Sung Kim expressed concern about the legislation’s potential impact on American investment in Indonesia.

“Around the world, if laws are unclear, businesses are often reluctant to invest because they are not sure how different laws may impact their business operations,” Kim told the American Chamber of Commerce in Jakarta.

“We remain concerned that morality clauses [in the new code] attempting to regulate what occurs in a household between consenting adults can have a negative impact on Indonesia’s investment climate.”

“Criminalizing the personal decisions of individuals would loom large within the decision matrix of many companies determining whether to invest in Indonesia,” he said. “The outcome could well result in less foreign investment, tourism, and travel.”

The world’s most populous Muslim country has long sought to strike a balance between secular and Islamic forces. The five principles of its state ideology known as “Pancasila” are belief in God, national unity, just and civilized humanity, representative democracy and social justice.

Belief in that context is not limited to the Islamic faith. The state also officially recognizes Catholicism, Protestantism, Hinduism, Buddhism and Confucianism.

The blasphemy provisions in the new code apply to all six recognized religions, and anyone convicted of blaspheming one of them faces a prison term of up to three years – or five years, if the offending took place online.

Promotion of atheism, or any belief outside the six permitted ones, carries a jail term of up to two years, and anyone convicted of disrupting a religious service for one of the six recognized faiths could face up to five years’ imprisonment.


Ironically, the legislation is being presented as a “reform” of an outdated criminal code first put in place a century ago, during the Dutch colonial era.

A previous attempt to pass similar legislation generated large protests, and the initiative was suspended by President Joko Widodo in 2019. Drafters have since incorporated changes in a bid to quell some of the unease.

In the category of sex-related offenses, for prosecutions to take place a complaint will have to be lodged by specified parties, such as a parent, spouse, or child of the alleged offender.

On the issue of capital punishment, while the new code does not abolish it, it does make the death penalty commutable if a prisoner on death row demonstrates remorse and good behavior for a period of ten years.

After the DPR backed the legislation on Tuesday, Justice Minister Yasonna Laoly told reporters in Jakarta that the century-old penal code was behind the times, but its replacement would be “reformative, progressive, and in accordance with the present situation in Indonesia.”

He conceded that in a multicultural and multi-ethnic society, it would be “impossible to accommodate 100 percent of all interests.”

The legislation will come into force in three years’ time. In the meantime, Yasonna said, government representatives will be briefing the public, institutions, and law enforcement agencies.

The waiting period will also allow for the filing of constitutional challenges, and some civil society organizations have already indicated their intention to do so.

Decrying some of the provisions in the new code, the Jakarta Post in an editorial Wednesday said it “could have serious ramifications in our culturally and ideologically diverse society, and will surely not help us in our attempt to become a key player in global politics and economy.

“We call on civil society groups to challenge the legislation at the Constitutional Court, though we have little confidence that the latter would be independent or progressive enough to right the wrongs of the lawmakers,” it said.

End of article...

Draw your own conclusions about our glorious State Department and the Leftist cabal holding our country hostage since January of 2021... 

God help us!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle..

Gene DeLalla 


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