Friday, December 2, 2022

You And I Are A National Terrorist Threat? A Massive Distraction From The Wide-Open Southern Border Where The Real Terrorists Are Invading Our Country...

  The lying, treasonous bums at the so-called Department of Homeland Security are using the Marxist technique of distracting the American populace from the real terrorist threat to our nation: the wide-open southern border where the real bad actors are invading our country...

It is always the case, that these traitors accuse the law abiding of what they do!  

The corrupt, anti-American cabal holding our country hostage since January 2021, have released a "terrorism advisory bulletin" for the holidays and beyond.  Of course, it is you and I that are the bad guys, not the real, multinational, illegal alien terrorists crossing over the borders of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas that are conveniently overlooked.

In addition, the drug cartel, human smuggler murderers, as well as MS-13 gangsters are waiting for Title 42 to expire in the next several weeks, when thousands of illegals will rush the border and further overwhelm our law enforcement personnel to the breaking point...

The drug fentanyl has killed over 100,000 Americans so far this year, and the number of these killer pills that have been confiscated is now over 1,000,000 and growing!

But who does the DHS warn law enforcement agencies, including the corrupt FBI, of potential domestic terrorism?  You, me, moms and dads at school board meetings protesting the filth and corruption spoon fed to their children or the fact of proven, stolen elections!

Know that this is all planned by the installed, bought and paid for, CCP puppet in the Oval Office and his handlers determined to totally destroy American sovereignty regardless of the cost to John Q. Public...

Take a wild guess about who are the real enemies of what is left of the Republic???

See this article from

DHS Issues National Terrorism Advisory System Bulletin in Advance of Holidays (

(Beware of some immodest ads on that site!)

Pray for the defeat -- and conversion -- of these apostates and for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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