Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Why Is This Happening?????? Biden Invites Drag Queen Who Performs For Children To Attend ‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Signing...

  See the full article here from breitbart.com: Biden Invites Drag Queen Who Dances for Kids to Marriage Bill Signing (breitbart.com)

And one from foxnews.com: Biden invites anti-police nonbinary drag queen to White House: 'F--- the police' | Fox News.

Lastly, from the freebeacon.com: Drag Queen Story Hour Performer To Attend White House Ceremony (freebeacon.com)

To be frank, I could list over a dozen such articles from various news sources, including left, right and alternative media.  As a simple search will show...

But the idea of insulting those who truly respect the state and sacrament of Holy Matrimony -- and the Natural Law, is now commonplace with the apostate Biden holding the White House hostage...

In fact, it seems to me that he -- and his handlers -- relish the idea of insulting the good God that allows them to breathe air.  And He does allow them each and every breath!  If that were not the case, then these barbarian, baby-killing hedonists would die in a New York minute! 

Biden, Pelosi, et al, never cease claiming that they are "devout Catholics," but any right-thinking real Catholic can easily see through the veneer of lies and figure out that these miscreants, are, in reality, atheists in a very poor "Catholic" disguise!  

In the title of my article, I asked: Why Is This Happening??????

This could be one of the answers... from returntotradition.org...

(1842) Cardinal Muller & Bishop Schneider: "Don't Let The Modernists Change The Faith!" - YouTube.

Again, I could post dozens of videos and articles to answer that question in spades, but you get the idea that what is currently left of the real Catholic Church is truly only a Remnant, an Elect, not a billion-plus souls...  

Did you get that "Bishop" Barron?

The mental and spiritual sickness presently sweeping the nation is due in no small part to the Christ-haters in the federal monstrosity and it trickles down to state and local apostates as well...

Of course, these maniacs don't believe that they -- and all of us! -- will have to answer to our Lord at their Particular Judgment, if they did believe they would have to account for their actions and inactions, then we wouldn't be in the mess we're in.  The Satan-loving atheists are having a field day -- for now, that is...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christ Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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