Wednesday, December 21, 2022

The Outrageous Spiritual Attack And Dismissal Of Father Frank Pavone (Of Priests For Life) From The Priesthood!

  If anyone needs any more evidence of the demonic forces that have infiltrated Holy Mother Church in order to destroy Her from within, then look no further...

The objective of the Soviet communists, such as Bella Dodd and her comrades, to recruit fellow communists and perverts to enter the Catholic seminaries and to become "priests" has been overwhelmingly successful!   In fact, we are now seeing the fourth and fifth generation of such evil males wearing the Roman collar, from "priests," "bishops," "cardinals," and even "popes," implementing the Masonic/Communist plot to scatter and devour the flock of Christ! 

See this article from

You won't believe how many Communists infiltrated the Catholic Church in 1930s America - LifeSite (

Remember what President Truman said many years ago: the buck stops here at my desk!  Indicating, that, as leader of the U.S. and the free world at the time, he accepted responsibility for his actions and the actions of his subordinates.

This is in stark contrast to the bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, who blames "rigid," traditional Catholics for everything gone wrong under heaven, while, at the same time, ignoring -- and even encouraging -- openly homosexual perverts and Marxist lunatics sitting in high places within the novus ordo "church," appointing and promoting such miscreants to "advisory boards" to fight for "social justice" causes and "climate change"!  

But if that weren't bad enough, Bergoglio has taken part in, and promoted worship of false gods thereby violating the First Commandment!  But this too is nothing new from the adherent to the Marxism of so-called "liberation theology" that influenced Bergoglio while he was in his formative years in South America...

I know that I have digressed a wee bit here... See this interview of Fr. Frank Pavone by Dr. Taylor Marshall and hear what is next for the good Father...

(2012) Father Frank Pavone talks with Dr. Taylor Marshall about Vatican decree - YouTube.

You will see -- and hear -- that Fr. Pavone is sure that the next uncanonical, illicit step is to be ex-communicated by the apostate rogues now occupying very powerful offices in the Vatican.  

If this actually takes place, it will automatically be null and void, but to the poorly catechized novus ordo Catholics, it will be "gospel"!

And here: (2012) Father Pavone Responds to Pope Francis - YouTube.

In addition, here is an excellent article written by Leo Higgins and posted on  Fr. Pavone’s 'Laicization' - LewRockwell.

Here is the first paragraph of this informative article: "Fr. Frank Pavone, who has dedicated his life and priesthood to the cause of the defense of life, from the womb to natural death, has been “laicizedy” by Jorge Bergoglio, aka “Francis.”  This holy and dedicated priest gets shanked, while the execrable James Martin get feted by Bergoglio and other fanboys at Vatican events orchestrated to advocate – under “papal” auspices – the entire LGBTQ/transgender agenda."

And this: 

"We have reached Kafka-esque levels of weirdness in the Church, these days. Bergoglio gets away with all of these crazy things because no one wants to risk a cushy sinecure to oppose him.  Not even Burke or Schneider will really push very hard.  The large group of conservative and traditional “professional Catholics” out there in the clergy and Catholic media and punditry, known these days as Trad Inc., have too much invested in staying within the bounds of mainstream “respectability” to rock the boat.  The same conservatives and traditionalists in the Church are a major component of the Recognize and Resist movement, saying that they see “Francis” as pope but resist his errors.  They “recognize” Bergoglio as pope to avoid being in “schism” by still recognizing Benedict due to his non-resignation resignation, so they just say they will “resist” Bergoglio’s heresies and idolatries as much as possible.  But resisting papal authority (from their point of view) is a form of schism itself!  In effect, they openly are in virtual schism in order to avoid being schismatic!  They think more about their paychecks and access to Vaticanistas than they do about truth."

End of excerpts...

I ask: when will novus ordo Catholics wake up and shake off the hypnotic state they have been under for nearly 60 years since the demonic Second Vatican Council????

When will this anti-Christ cabal of communists and homosexuals be amputated from the gangrenous infection that continues to spread in the novus ordo "church" in order to save the body and bring it back to orthodoxy, Tradition and the Catholic Faith????

Lord have mercy on us!!

Pray for strength and honor for Fr. Frank Pavone -- and for JUSTICE -- and for all of us!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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