Monday, February 18, 2019

Abortion: The Absence of Love...

Love Thy Neighbor, the second great Commandment, and yet we see that with the absence of love, evil will fill the void.  Hence, abortion is the most extreme example of the absence of love of neighbor.

And that includes the most defenseless, the tinniest, and most innocent of life: the pre-born.  With the absence of love, these pre-born babies suffer the result of the evil that fills that void.

What's worse, are the "adults" that snuff-out those little lives.  So, I can only conclude that those "adults" not only fail in obeying the second great Commandment, but also have invited evil to fill their personal void of good.

This is a combination that is sure to cause the loss of souls -- forever -- unless and until there is real repentance; real change of heart.  The prospects at this point, are, in my mind pretty dim.    

Abortion: The Absence of Love...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Ho-hum... What's the Big Deal??

What's the big deal about killing the pre-born, or now the born?  Where's the outrage from our Department of Justice for the premeditated murder of our most innocent of our species?

Has Lady Justice finally opened both eyes??  With un-equal and selective justice??

How can a male or female, especially those in politics, nonchalantly talk about or discuss the heinous procedure that is involved in taking the tiniest of lives, and prevent them from even being baptized, never meeting God face-to-face??

It seems that the barbarism of the ancient Incas or Aztecs is nothing compared to what is now being proposed or actually being done in our "modern" society concerning human beings.

Where are the hierarchy of the Church?   Sure, some of them -- it should be all! -- condemn and threaten to refuse Holy Communion to those who claim to be "Catholic," but few even talk about ex-communicating these miscreants; these murderers.  

Governors of states now not only sign demonic legislation guaranteeing the certain death of the pre-born, but also brag about it and receive accolades from their complicit supporters, including those in the media.

How long will we put up with this mass slaughter of the precious gift of life?????

How long, Lord, how long...

Pray for our country, and for an end to the scourge of abortion.

Gene DeLalla

Friday, February 15, 2019

Leaf Peeping, Anyone? But Wait, It's Winter!!

Ever take a drive in the Fall to see the magnificent colors provided to us free-of-charge, by Mother Nature?

Ever drive to a small, friendly town that you've never been to before?

Ever get hungry, but you don't know where to get a decent meal at a reasonable price?

Ever stop at a service (gas) station and ask the attendant (mechanic -- if gas stations still have them) where can you get a nice meal?

Ever take the directions from the attendant and arrive at your destination just as your stomach starts to growl?

Ever wonder why you believed that guy, as you get out  of your car and enter the restaurant?

I'll tell you why: you believed him because you have natural faith that the guy was telling you the truth, that's why!

Ever doubt the Word of God?


You believed a gas station attendant, but have doubts about what's in the Bible?  Or what the Church teaches on faith and morals?

Man-up!  Woman-up!  And start believing!

Turn that "natural faith" into Supernatural Faith -- and come  home to the Catholic Church where you find it!

See: St. John, Chapter Six.  St. Paul, I Corinthians, Chapter 10; 16, 17, 21. Chapter 11; 23 through 29.

For unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you will not have life in you...(St. John in Six)...

St. John, St. Paul, pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

PS. All verses taken from the King James Version of the Protestant Bible, copyright 1897.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Happy (Saint) Valentine's Day!

This is Valentine's Day..

But where does this "day" come from??

He was a priest at Rome, beheaded for the Catholic Faith. Because this day is considered by many to be the first approach of Spring, and so connected with romance, Saint Valentine’s Day is celebrated for other than a religious reason.

Just how many people -- who celebrate this day with flowers and candy for their loved ones -- know the real origins of St. Valentine's Day?

Well, now you all do!

Happy SAINT Valentine's Day!

Pray for our country, St. Valentine!

Gene DeLalla

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Dirty Little Secret of Sexual Abuse -- By Protestants (Baptists)..

Very sadly, sexual predators, and their abuse victims, are not limited to homosexuals in the Catholic Church.  On the contrary, The Dirty Little Secret of Sexual Abuse -- By Protestants (Baptists) as well as other "religions," encompasses, not only those who hold positions in their churches, but also those in the secular world as well.

This next bit of factual information just may send a shock-wave through those who read this article: the greatest abusers are not in the Catholic Church, nor in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), but in public schools throughout America!  These nasty miscreants range from teachers, administrators, as well as coaches and others, who prey -- and have preyed -- on their charges over the years.  But the question begs: why have so few of these horrendous stories of sexual abuse made it to the newspapers or seen on TV, or heard on National Public Radio (NPR)?  I'll leave that one up to you to figure out...

Then another question begs to be answered: why is it that the Catholic Church is singled-out, with stories pounded into the heads of folks day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year?

This question I will answer: the Christ-haters -- and that includes the complicit media -- know that if the real Catholic Church falls, then their god, Satan, will win...  But we also know that Christ promised that the gates of hell would NOT prevail against her!  All I ask, is for those seeking the truth, to connect the "t's" and dot the "i's" and you just might come up with a pattern; a demonic pattern to bring the Church down.

Keep in mind too, that sexual predators, and their abuse victims, are also to be found among the Jews, and, yes, the Muslims too...

This is not opinion, but fact!

Please read the following with an open mind, and see the tragedy of what sexual abuse can do to the innocent lives that have been, in some cases, completely destroyed, if not physically, then emotionally at the very least...

Much of the following information is taken from a multi-part series aired in the Houston Chronicle.  The first part can be found at:

"It's a porous sieve of a denomination."

To try to measure the problem, the newspapers collected and cross-checked news reports, prison records, court records, sex offender registries and other documents. Reporters also conducted hundreds of interviews with victims, church leaders, investigators and offenders.

‘So many people’s faith is murdered. I mean, their faith is slaughtered by these predators.’
David Pittman, who says he was molested by his youth minister
Several factors make it likely that the abuse is even more widespread than can be documented: Victims of sexual assault come forward at a low rate; many cases in churches are handled internally; and many Southern Baptist churches are in rural communities where media coverage is sparse.

It's clear, however, that SBC leaders have long been aware of the problem. Bowing to pressure from activists, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, one of the largest SBC state organizations, in 2007 published a list of eight sex offenders who had served in Southern Baptist churches in Texas.

Around the same time, the Rev. Thomas Doyle wrote to SBC leaders, imploring them to act. A priest and former high-ranking lawyer for the Catholic Church, Doyle in the 1980s was one of the earliest to blow the whistle on child sexual abuse in the church. But Catholic leaders "lied about it ... covered it up and ignored the victims," said Doyle, now r

How we did this story:

In 2007, victims of sexual abuse by Southern Baptist pastors requested creation of a registry containing the names of current and former leaders of Southern Baptist churches who had been convicted of sex crimes or who had been credibly accused. That didn't happen; the last time any such list was made public was by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. It contained the names of eight sex criminals.
In 2018, as advocates again pressed SBC officials for such a registry, Houston Chronicle reporters began to search news archives, websites and databases nationwide to compile an archive of allegations of sexual abuse, sexual assault and other serious misconduct involving Southern Baptist pastors and other church officials. We found complaints made against hundreds of pastors, church officials and volunteers at Southern Baptist churches nationwide.
We focused our search on the 10 years preceding the victims' first call for a registry and on the 10-plus years since. And we concentrated on individuals who had a documented connection to a church listed in an SBC directory published by a state or national association.
We verified details in hundreds of accounts of abuse by examining federal and state court databases, prison records and official documents from more than 20 states and by searching sex offender registries nationwide. In Texas, we visited more than a dozen county courthouses. We interviewed district attorneys and police in more than 40 Texas counties. We filed dozens of public records requests in Texas and nationwide.
Ultimately, we compiled information on 380 credibly accused officials in Southern Baptist churches, including pastors, deacons, Sunday school teachers and volunteers.
We verified that about 220 had been convicted of sex crimes or received deferred prosecutions in plea deals and sent letters to all of them soliciting their responses to summaries we compiled. We received written responses from more than 30 and interviewed three in Texas prisons. Of the 220, more than 90 remain in prison and another 100 are still registered sex offenders.
Find our records that relate to those convicted or forced to register as sex offenders at
End of the first part...
My last comment:
This is not the end to the story, but just a beginning of another moral and spiritual disaster that is so prevalent in our society these days, not only in the Church, but also woven throughout the secular world as well.
As I always ask, please pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla

Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Great Demonrat Distraction...

The embattled governor of Virginia, Northam, is playing the game of distraction in order to divert his murderous pronouncements on, not only late term abortions, but also post-birth abortions!  Read: killing an already born baby girl (or boy).

Notice, by the way, how it is the Demonrats that have waged a continuous war on women through abortion?

There is something very sinister, or should I say demonic, about how zealous these killers of the pre-born are in publicly stating their contempt for life.  At least they don't try to hide it any longer, so we all now know how radical their party is; there is no guesswork involved!

Now, several more states have joined the satanic bandwagon in proposing or passing legislation that would allow -- or even force? -- doctors to perfect the "art" of dismembering or chemically dissolving a living, breathing baby girl (or boy), whether in or -- now -- out of the womb.

In a way, this new arrogance in telling the entire world just what they're made of, can be a good thing.  It is said that God can use a great evil to, eventually, create a greater good.  I hope this truism comes to pass very soon before too many more babies are taken out...

What is also quite disturbing, is the fact that many of those immersed in the culture of death claim to be "Catholics".  What a blight on the Catholic Church!  But we also know that the new-order "Catholic Church" is swimming in a sea of corruption and abuse by the homosexuals wearing the Roman collar, as well as a power-hungry hierarchy, not to mention satanic sacrifices in the back allies of the Vatican, or in apartments rented for the purpose of the most heinous acts of perversion.

Note: To those non-Catholics, you must differentiate between the corrupt human element of the Church, and the Church itself: the spotless Bride of Christ.  If you don't do so, you will fall into the trap of thinking that Christ can be the Divine Head of a corrupt Body.  That is impossible!

There is more to this than meets the eye, but keep the trophy (the crown) always in your mind.  As St. Paul says, persevere to the end, and finish the race to claim that crown of eternal life!  Those that win, are the ones that will take Heaven by storm, not the lukewarm!

Pray for a conversion of hearts, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


Saturday, February 9, 2019

New Mexico House Passes Most Extreme Pro-Abortion Bill In The Country!

(Much of the following information is taken from an article from

I recently wrote that New Mexico was considering a monster pro-abortion bill that would allow the killing of a baby about to be born.  Well, the Demonrat controlled house just passed the bill that is a death sentence to the most vulnerable: the pre-born little girl or boy.

Next, this horrendous piece of legislation goes to the senate, where the Demonrats are also in control.  The female governor, Michelle Grisham, will happily sign the bill into law, as she is a radical pro-abort.

Notice, that two of the nation's most "Catholic" states have proposed some of the most abominable bills to allow the killing of near-born, or born babies?

Let's see if the Catholic Church hierarchy will condemn this killer legislation, and, at the same time, publicly ex-communicate those responsible for sponsoring, advocating, and passing this hideous bill.  I won't hold my breath...

In addition to the many "Catholics" that are for the killing of the pre-born -- and now the born! -- we search for the reason why "Catholics" have fallen into the abyss of hell in order to write into "law" a females' "right" to extinguish the life within her.

It is my contention that one of the primary reasons for this wholesale abandonment of the faith is the weakness in the human element of the Church, going back to the late 1940's and forward, up to the Second Vatican Council.  This was the catalyst for the modernists to wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting, and poorly catechized lay faithful.  And make no mistake, they did just that, putting into motion a revolution of the sublime Catholic liturgy, remaking it into something unrecognizable to those Catholics, pre-1950's...

In the military, there is something called "mission-creep," where a mission is slowly expanded to include more troops, and greater responsibilities.  In the Church, this is also true in the sense that the "progressives", Communists and homosexuals that infiltrated the Church from the 1930's and onward, put their diabolical plan into action, with the goal of bringing down the Church from within.  Today, we see the results in the weakness that I mentioned, as well as "Catholics" almost fully onboard with contraception, and now abortion.

It is said that to those that much has been given, much will be expected in return.  I dread to see the verdict of those that have snuffed-out that precious gift of life, and the subverting of the sublime Traditions of faith and morals as they face their Just Judge.  And that is the key: God is all merciful, but His mercy is tempered with perfect Justice!

Pray for our country, but also pray that the Remnant of the real Catholic Church perseveres and runs the race to the finish...

Gene DeLalla

Friday, February 8, 2019

Be of Good Cheer! The Tide is Turning!

Has anyone reading this article ever been accused or attacked for being "intolerant," or "racist", or "hateful", or "bigot", or, heaven forbid -- pro-life!  You get the idea.

Well, I have one thing to say: be of Good Cheer!

But why?

The answer is almost painfully simple: with all the vitriol being hurled at you (and I), the face of pure evil is being made manifest to all in American society and beyond.  And because of this, folks are beginning to see just who are the real haters.  This is a good thing!

Further, those that accuse "us" of all those epithets, are, in fact, revealing what they themselves are!

Their conscience is being tweaked, that is, if they still have one..

But the fact remains, the pendulum is beginning to swing in our direction!

This is not only true in society in general, but also in ecclesiastical matters as well.  The extreme examples that we have seen coming out of "Rome" (the Vatican) can only be classified as UN-Catholic!  But here too, more are seeing the mask pulled from the hideous modernists; the compromisers; the abusers; the Satan worshipers -- all part of the human element of the perfect Body of Christ.  More folks are turning to the perennial values of the Church, especially the return to Tradition: in the liturgy, as well as back to the practice of faith and morals as taught by the real Magisterium.

So be of Good Cheer my friends!!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, February 7, 2019

States with no Death Penalty -- Except for Pre-born Babies...

An observation: four of the states that have proposed or passed legislation to allow for the killing of pre-born babies up to the moment of birth, or afterward, do not have a death penalty.

New York, Vermont, Rhode Island (the most "Catholic" state in the country) and New Mexico have no death penalty for criminals convicted of premeditated murder, yet the pre-born in those states are now at risk for suffering the death penalty simply because -- they exist!

Do you see the diabolical irony here?

I fear more states will enter into this madness and condemn more babies to death before they have a chance at defending themselves.  Their Natural Rights will be denied, and their lives snuffed out before they can live and enjoy the liberties and pursuit of happiness guaranteed under the Natural Law and safeguarded by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

These Natural Rights come from God, not the government, and that's why the Founding Fathers knew that an out-of-control, multi-tentacled, all-powerful central government needed a system of checks and balances to reign in such a monster.  The one effective way was to establish, forever, the Second Amendment to safeguard those precious rights, but apparently, as it turns out, not for the pre-born.  Sad and sadistic!

The legislators that propose and pass such diabolical filth, will be judged by the Just Judge of us all; I dread to witness the verdict of such miscreants, that is, if they don't repent and change their hardened hearts to be open to life, especially the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born...

Pray for our country!

Gene DeLalla

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Virginia Continues to Sink Deeper and Deeper Into The Pit of Hell...

By now, we all know that over the last few days, the State (commonwealth) of Virginia, has seen the breath and hate of Hell itself spew forth from the mouth of representatives as well as the governor himself, attempting to introduce a bill to kill a developing baby all the way up to birth.  However, the governor (Northam), went further revealing in a radio interview, that if a baby survives a botched abortion, the baby should be "made comfortable," then those responsible for the attempt to kill that baby -- but were not "successful", should then make the decision as to whether to let the baby live or die and end that precious life!

If I need to translate that, here's what he meant: after the baby is born alive, then those involved can still kill the baby!

Not only is this pre-meditated, first-degree murder, it is complete insanity!

Is this what our country has come to?  After all those babies who have lost their lives through the selfishness of their "parents" since Roe v Wade, and now killing the baby after he or she is born alive???

In reality, though, this is really nothing new: partial-birth abortion was in vogue until it was finally criminalized by law.

But Virginia has gone even further...

And now this from  Virginia bill erases words 'husband' and 'wife' from law, defines embryonic humans as property.
I can only surmise that Virginia has been invaded by hard-Left liberals from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and maybe even a few from what used to be the Live Free or Die state of New Hampshire?? 
At the very least, we have a president who is trying to establish, once again, the sanctity of human life from birth to natural death.  If Trump succeeds at nothing else, this will be a major accomplishment.  But it will take a true conversion of hearts to end this scourge of death and mayhem..
Pray for our country..
Gene DeLalla

Monday, February 4, 2019

Has Lady Justice died?

---Let me begin this short article by writing, that if you don't believe in God, then I bet you do believe that there is a well-known bridge for sale on oceanfront property in Arizona.  Of course the translation here is that if you don't believe in God, then you become susceptible to believing anything, even if it doesn't make any sense by contradicting reason.---  

It seems to me that there is a two-tiered system of justice in our beloved country: one for you and me, and one for the most corrupt of the elites who seem to continue living their lives outside of prison, instead of inside where they belong.

The question begs: how do those very same corrupt elites manage to keep from facing a grand jury of their peers for the evil they have perpetrated on their fellow citizens?

You have to dig deep even for a modicum of an answer, but one thing is for sure: those responsible for prosecuting the bad guys, are, in  some cases, the bad guys too.  Witness the "Mueller investigation" into the supposed illegal activities with the Russians by our duly elected President, Trump.

There are many scandals that are currently plaguing our nation; to list all of them would certainly take a book!

Sadly, I think I can say that Lady Justice has died, or at least she is on life-support...  Can she, or will she, ever be resuscitated?   Time will tell, but at this point, I'm not too optimistic.

Here is but one other example of the corrupt going free, or not being brought to justice in the first place: last year, two law enforcement officers (at least one was an FBI agent) were scheduled to testify before a grand jury about the illegal activities between the H. Clinton and Obama regarding the "fast and furious" arms deal, that, by the way, led to the death of at least one of our special border agents.

As it turns out, that the agent -- and his wife -- were murdered in cold blood, being stabbed and shot to death.  I can only surmise that "Murder, Inc.", was hired to take them out and forever silence the brave agent before he was able to tell that grand jury the truth of what he had discovered.

It seems that the long tentacles of the Clinton murder-machine can still reach into their diabolical bag of tricks and stifle any attempts at bringing them to justice...

Will we ever see the Clintons -- and others -- wearing the orange prison jump-suits, spending the rest of their natural lives behind bars?  I wouldn't hold my breath.  But one thing I can count on, is that eventually, these miscreants will face the Grand Jury of the Blessed Trinity, and have Justice meted out to them as they deserve, that is, if they don't repent and come to our Lord the way He wants people to come to Him...

Continue to pray for our country, now more than ever...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Attack on Tradition(alism) and the Virtue of Justice...

Today, in the secular, as well as the ecclesiastical world, there is an obvious attack on Tradition(alism) and the virtue of Justice...

We see this all around us: on TV (you shouldn't own one!); in the movies (most are immoral and obscene); in the Catholic Church by her enemies, not only from without, but most horribly, from within.

The agenda of those who show outright malice and hate for anything or anybody that attempts to maintain some measure of traditional societal values, or traditionalism in matters spiritual, i.e., in the Church, is not only to destroy any vestige of that tradition, but also to establish --  in law -- that very same agenda, which, I contend, is their ultimate goal.

Once in law, then those who oppose the un-natural, or un-Godly, are looked upon as the contemptable ones, and the real villains in the fight to establish their socialistic or Communist utopia, where all are controlled or dependent on the State for their livelihood and their "rights".  

But in such a diabolical scenario, there is no justice.  And, without justice, there can be no freedom of speech or religion, with those in power the ones who determine what to believe and how to express it.  This is all well and good -- under their scrutiny -- unless and until that person or entity says or does something that is critical of those in power, at that point, the Sword of Damocles will come crashing down and either destroy, or seriously curtail the rights and freedoms once enjoyed in days past.

This is not something to worry about in the distant future; no, it is happening now as I write this.  It is seen on a daily basis, especially on social media, with "conservatives" being routinely blacklisted or shadow-banned simply because they express a truth; a truth that the elites cannot tolerate.

It never ceases to amaze me how those who commit vile and heinous acts, accuse those who follow the Natural Law as well as divinely revealed law, of exactly what they do or have done!  I believe the reason why this happens is because the Godly, those who follow the Commandments, tweak the consciences of the morally corrupt.  In other words, the corrupt know what they are doing is wrong, and, in many cases, unnatural, yet they are slaves to the evil they have wrought!

All this may sound impossible to turn around, but there is always hope!  As we should realize that God is in control of all human events, and history itself.  And because God is in control, we cannot despair (despair being one of the great sins against the virtue of hope; the other is presumption).

Now more than ever, it is time to pray for our country to appease a jealous God that gave us the power to co-create with Him, and bring into the world, a new life; a new soul!  The scourge of the killing of the pre-born must end!  But we cannot count on any one politician, or political party, or even a nominee to the Supreme Court, to turn this diabolical disorientation back to some sense of normalcy.  We must count on the One that gave His life for all of us: Christ the Lord!

Gene DeLalla

Friday, February 1, 2019

The Society for the Prevention of Cruely to Animals..(SPCA)...

Most people know this organization by the acronym: S.P.C.A.: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

I admit that they do a lot of good in preventing, or unearthing cruelty to animals and bringing those responsible to justice, whether it is a fine or jail-time, or both.

As one who has owned not one, but two great dogs during my lifetime, covering a span of nearly 27 years, I can attest that loving dogs can actually become a "member" of the family; they are loyal; they will defend their territory, and that includes the family they are attached to; they warn of danger nearby, and, in some cases, are trained to find lost or missing persons.

It is said that a dog is man's best friend.. Of course, this does not mean that other pets are not "man's best friend," but there is something special and unique about a dog.  In fact, there have been numerous documented incidents where a family dog found missing children, or gave their own lives to save a child.  Simply amazing!

So, anyone with a modicum of grey matter will agree that cruelty to animals, especially if it were their own pet, suffering at the hands of someone with very bad will, should be condemned with the appropriate legal sanctions.

All one has to do is to pick up their local newspaper, or listen to their particular news cast, and see that nasty folks do, in fact, suffer the consequences of cruelty to animals of all kinds and types.  This is especially true of unsanitary conditions or lack of proper feeding.

In today's world, however, it seems to me that there is less concern for pre-born human babies than there is for those very special pets in our lives.

How can this be?

A good question with more than one answer.  The "easiest" answer being that there is a loss of the sanctity of life among those now entering their adult years, becoming themselves parents or parents to be.

The next question could go something like this: what were you taught as a child?

That question, I'm pretty sure, could generate some hostility toward the questioner.  But I also think that it goes to the heart of the matter: how was someone raised?

Was that person taught about the sanctity of life, and that life is a gift from God?   Were the parents a product of the sexual and drug revolution of the 1960's?  If that was the case, then the answer seems more reasonable.  After all, the law of praying is the law of believing.  And if someone isn't taught to pray, then what is it they believe now as adults?

Such seems to be the case of recent legislation being proposed, and, in some cases passed, that allows for the killing of nearly born, or born babies.  Isn't this infanticide?  Murder?  And yet we see this happening right before our eyes almost on a daily basis.

How can we do this to our offspring on the one hand, and yet have disgust when we hear of the cruelty to animals on the other?

The priorities are certainly twisted, and that's putting it mildly...

What's the answer?

A true conversion of hearts: one at a time.  In fact, there have been major conversions of folks that once used all their energies for the procurement of abortion, and now are ardent pro-life advocates, speaking out against the taking of innocent life.

By the way, the conversion of those hardened hearts cannot be forced; that's where prayer comes in.  We have to pray for our enemies, if we do nothing else.

And pray too for the clergy that they have the guts to at least speak out against the insanity of elected politicians using their enormous power and influence to destroy the pre-born...

Pray too for our country...

Gene DeLalla

Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...