Thursday, February 7, 2019

States with no Death Penalty -- Except for Pre-born Babies...

An observation: four of the states that have proposed or passed legislation to allow for the killing of pre-born babies up to the moment of birth, or afterward, do not have a death penalty.

New York, Vermont, Rhode Island (the most "Catholic" state in the country) and New Mexico have no death penalty for criminals convicted of premeditated murder, yet the pre-born in those states are now at risk for suffering the death penalty simply because -- they exist!

Do you see the diabolical irony here?

I fear more states will enter into this madness and condemn more babies to death before they have a chance at defending themselves.  Their Natural Rights will be denied, and their lives snuffed out before they can live and enjoy the liberties and pursuit of happiness guaranteed under the Natural Law and safeguarded by the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

These Natural Rights come from God, not the government, and that's why the Founding Fathers knew that an out-of-control, multi-tentacled, all-powerful central government needed a system of checks and balances to reign in such a monster.  The one effective way was to establish, forever, the Second Amendment to safeguard those precious rights, but apparently, as it turns out, not for the pre-born.  Sad and sadistic!

The legislators that propose and pass such diabolical filth, will be judged by the Just Judge of us all; I dread to witness the verdict of such miscreants, that is, if they don't repent and change their hardened hearts to be open to life, especially the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born...

Pray for our country!

Gene DeLalla

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