Monday, February 4, 2019

Has Lady Justice died?

---Let me begin this short article by writing, that if you don't believe in God, then I bet you do believe that there is a well-known bridge for sale on oceanfront property in Arizona.  Of course the translation here is that if you don't believe in God, then you become susceptible to believing anything, even if it doesn't make any sense by contradicting reason.---  

It seems to me that there is a two-tiered system of justice in our beloved country: one for you and me, and one for the most corrupt of the elites who seem to continue living their lives outside of prison, instead of inside where they belong.

The question begs: how do those very same corrupt elites manage to keep from facing a grand jury of their peers for the evil they have perpetrated on their fellow citizens?

You have to dig deep even for a modicum of an answer, but one thing is for sure: those responsible for prosecuting the bad guys, are, in  some cases, the bad guys too.  Witness the "Mueller investigation" into the supposed illegal activities with the Russians by our duly elected President, Trump.

There are many scandals that are currently plaguing our nation; to list all of them would certainly take a book!

Sadly, I think I can say that Lady Justice has died, or at least she is on life-support...  Can she, or will she, ever be resuscitated?   Time will tell, but at this point, I'm not too optimistic.

Here is but one other example of the corrupt going free, or not being brought to justice in the first place: last year, two law enforcement officers (at least one was an FBI agent) were scheduled to testify before a grand jury about the illegal activities between the H. Clinton and Obama regarding the "fast and furious" arms deal, that, by the way, led to the death of at least one of our special border agents.

As it turns out, that the agent -- and his wife -- were murdered in cold blood, being stabbed and shot to death.  I can only surmise that "Murder, Inc.", was hired to take them out and forever silence the brave agent before he was able to tell that grand jury the truth of what he had discovered.

It seems that the long tentacles of the Clinton murder-machine can still reach into their diabolical bag of tricks and stifle any attempts at bringing them to justice...

Will we ever see the Clintons -- and others -- wearing the orange prison jump-suits, spending the rest of their natural lives behind bars?  I wouldn't hold my breath.  But one thing I can count on, is that eventually, these miscreants will face the Grand Jury of the Blessed Trinity, and have Justice meted out to them as they deserve, that is, if they don't repent and come to our Lord the way He wants people to come to Him...

Continue to pray for our country, now more than ever...

Gene DeLalla

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