Sunday, February 10, 2019

The Great Demonrat Distraction...

The embattled governor of Virginia, Northam, is playing the game of distraction in order to divert his murderous pronouncements on, not only late term abortions, but also post-birth abortions!  Read: killing an already born baby girl (or boy).

Notice, by the way, how it is the Demonrats that have waged a continuous war on women through abortion?

There is something very sinister, or should I say demonic, about how zealous these killers of the pre-born are in publicly stating their contempt for life.  At least they don't try to hide it any longer, so we all now know how radical their party is; there is no guesswork involved!

Now, several more states have joined the satanic bandwagon in proposing or passing legislation that would allow -- or even force? -- doctors to perfect the "art" of dismembering or chemically dissolving a living, breathing baby girl (or boy), whether in or -- now -- out of the womb.

In a way, this new arrogance in telling the entire world just what they're made of, can be a good thing.  It is said that God can use a great evil to, eventually, create a greater good.  I hope this truism comes to pass very soon before too many more babies are taken out...

What is also quite disturbing, is the fact that many of those immersed in the culture of death claim to be "Catholics".  What a blight on the Catholic Church!  But we also know that the new-order "Catholic Church" is swimming in a sea of corruption and abuse by the homosexuals wearing the Roman collar, as well as a power-hungry hierarchy, not to mention satanic sacrifices in the back allies of the Vatican, or in apartments rented for the purpose of the most heinous acts of perversion.

Note: To those non-Catholics, you must differentiate between the corrupt human element of the Church, and the Church itself: the spotless Bride of Christ.  If you don't do so, you will fall into the trap of thinking that Christ can be the Divine Head of a corrupt Body.  That is impossible!

There is more to this than meets the eye, but keep the trophy (the crown) always in your mind.  As St. Paul says, persevere to the end, and finish the race to claim that crown of eternal life!  Those that win, are the ones that will take Heaven by storm, not the lukewarm!

Pray for a conversion of hearts, and pray for our country.

Gene DeLalla


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