Tuesday, February 12, 2019

The Dirty Little Secret of Sexual Abuse -- By Protestants (Baptists)..

Very sadly, sexual predators, and their abuse victims, are not limited to homosexuals in the Catholic Church.  On the contrary, The Dirty Little Secret of Sexual Abuse -- By Protestants (Baptists) as well as other "religions," encompasses, not only those who hold positions in their churches, but also those in the secular world as well.

This next bit of factual information just may send a shock-wave through those who read this article: the greatest abusers are not in the Catholic Church, nor in the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC), but in public schools throughout America!  These nasty miscreants range from teachers, administrators, as well as coaches and others, who prey -- and have preyed -- on their charges over the years.  But the question begs: why have so few of these horrendous stories of sexual abuse made it to the newspapers or seen on TV, or heard on National Public Radio (NPR)?  I'll leave that one up to you to figure out...

Then another question begs to be answered: why is it that the Catholic Church is singled-out, with stories pounded into the heads of folks day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year?

This question I will answer: the Christ-haters -- and that includes the complicit media -- know that if the real Catholic Church falls, then their god, Satan, will win...  But we also know that Christ promised that the gates of hell would NOT prevail against her!  All I ask, is for those seeking the truth, to connect the "t's" and dot the "i's" and you just might come up with a pattern; a demonic pattern to bring the Church down.

Keep in mind too, that sexual predators, and their abuse victims, are also to be found among the Jews, and, yes, the Muslims too...

This is not opinion, but fact!

Please read the following with an open mind, and see the tragedy of what sexual abuse can do to the innocent lives that have been, in some cases, completely destroyed, if not physically, then emotionally at the very least...

Much of the following information is taken from a multi-part series aired in the Houston Chronicle.  The first part can be found at: houstonchronicle.com.

"It's a porous sieve of a denomination."

To try to measure the problem, the newspapers collected and cross-checked news reports, prison records, court records, sex offender registries and other documents. Reporters also conducted hundreds of interviews with victims, church leaders, investigators and offenders.

‘So many people’s faith is murdered. I mean, their faith is slaughtered by these predators.’
David Pittman, who says he was molested by his youth minister
Several factors make it likely that the abuse is even more widespread than can be documented: Victims of sexual assault come forward at a low rate; many cases in churches are handled internally; and many Southern Baptist churches are in rural communities where media coverage is sparse.

It's clear, however, that SBC leaders have long been aware of the problem. Bowing to pressure from activists, the Baptist General Convention of Texas, one of the largest SBC state organizations, in 2007 published a list of eight sex offenders who had served in Southern Baptist churches in Texas.

Around the same time, the Rev. Thomas Doyle wrote to SBC leaders, imploring them to act. A priest and former high-ranking lawyer for the Catholic Church, Doyle in the 1980s was one of the earliest to blow the whistle on child sexual abuse in the church. But Catholic leaders "lied about it ... covered it up and ignored the victims," said Doyle, now r

How we did this story:

In 2007, victims of sexual abuse by Southern Baptist pastors requested creation of a registry containing the names of current and former leaders of Southern Baptist churches who had been convicted of sex crimes or who had been credibly accused. That didn't happen; the last time any such list was made public was by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. It contained the names of eight sex criminals.
In 2018, as advocates again pressed SBC officials for such a registry, Houston Chronicle reporters began to search news archives, websites and databases nationwide to compile an archive of allegations of sexual abuse, sexual assault and other serious misconduct involving Southern Baptist pastors and other church officials. We found complaints made against hundreds of pastors, church officials and volunteers at Southern Baptist churches nationwide.
We focused our search on the 10 years preceding the victims' first call for a registry and on the 10-plus years since. And we concentrated on individuals who had a documented connection to a church listed in an SBC directory published by a state or national association.
We verified details in hundreds of accounts of abuse by examining federal and state court databases, prison records and official documents from more than 20 states and by searching sex offender registries nationwide. In Texas, we visited more than a dozen county courthouses. We interviewed district attorneys and police in more than 40 Texas counties. We filed dozens of public records requests in Texas and nationwide.
Ultimately, we compiled information on 380 credibly accused officials in Southern Baptist churches, including pastors, deacons, Sunday school teachers and volunteers.
We verified that about 220 had been convicted of sex crimes or received deferred prosecutions in plea deals and sent letters to all of them soliciting their responses to summaries we compiled. We received written responses from more than 30 and interviewed three in Texas prisons. Of the 220, more than 90 remain in prison and another 100 are still registered sex offenders.
Find our records that relate to those convicted or forced to register as sex offenders at HoustonChronicle.com/AbuseofFaith.
End of the first part...
My last comment:
This is not the end to the story, but just a beginning of another moral and spiritual disaster that is so prevalent in our society these days, not only in the Church, but also woven throughout the secular world as well.
As I always ask, please pray for our country...
Gene DeLalla

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