Monday, February 18, 2019

Abortion: The Absence of Love...

Love Thy Neighbor, the second great Commandment, and yet we see that with the absence of love, evil will fill the void.  Hence, abortion is the most extreme example of the absence of love of neighbor.

And that includes the most defenseless, the tinniest, and most innocent of life: the pre-born.  With the absence of love, these pre-born babies suffer the result of the evil that fills that void.

What's worse, are the "adults" that snuff-out those little lives.  So, I can only conclude that those "adults" not only fail in obeying the second great Commandment, but also have invited evil to fill their personal void of good.

This is a combination that is sure to cause the loss of souls -- forever -- unless and until there is real repentance; real change of heart.  The prospects at this point, are, in my mind pretty dim.    

Abortion: The Absence of Love...

Pray for our country..

Gene DeLalla

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