Saturday, February 9, 2019

New Mexico House Passes Most Extreme Pro-Abortion Bill In The Country!

(Much of the following information is taken from an article from

I recently wrote that New Mexico was considering a monster pro-abortion bill that would allow the killing of a baby about to be born.  Well, the Demonrat controlled house just passed the bill that is a death sentence to the most vulnerable: the pre-born little girl or boy.

Next, this horrendous piece of legislation goes to the senate, where the Demonrats are also in control.  The female governor, Michelle Grisham, will happily sign the bill into law, as she is a radical pro-abort.

Notice, that two of the nation's most "Catholic" states have proposed some of the most abominable bills to allow the killing of near-born, or born babies?

Let's see if the Catholic Church hierarchy will condemn this killer legislation, and, at the same time, publicly ex-communicate those responsible for sponsoring, advocating, and passing this hideous bill.  I won't hold my breath...

In addition to the many "Catholics" that are for the killing of the pre-born -- and now the born! -- we search for the reason why "Catholics" have fallen into the abyss of hell in order to write into "law" a females' "right" to extinguish the life within her.

It is my contention that one of the primary reasons for this wholesale abandonment of the faith is the weakness in the human element of the Church, going back to the late 1940's and forward, up to the Second Vatican Council.  This was the catalyst for the modernists to wreak havoc upon an unsuspecting, and poorly catechized lay faithful.  And make no mistake, they did just that, putting into motion a revolution of the sublime Catholic liturgy, remaking it into something unrecognizable to those Catholics, pre-1950's...

In the military, there is something called "mission-creep," where a mission is slowly expanded to include more troops, and greater responsibilities.  In the Church, this is also true in the sense that the "progressives", Communists and homosexuals that infiltrated the Church from the 1930's and onward, put their diabolical plan into action, with the goal of bringing down the Church from within.  Today, we see the results in the weakness that I mentioned, as well as "Catholics" almost fully onboard with contraception, and now abortion.

It is said that to those that much has been given, much will be expected in return.  I dread to see the verdict of those that have snuffed-out that precious gift of life, and the subverting of the sublime Traditions of faith and morals as they face their Just Judge.  And that is the key: God is all merciful, but His mercy is tempered with perfect Justice!

Pray for our country, but also pray that the Remnant of the real Catholic Church perseveres and runs the race to the finish...

Gene DeLalla

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