Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Virginia Continues to Sink Deeper and Deeper Into The Pit of Hell...

By now, we all know that over the last few days, the State (commonwealth) of Virginia, has seen the breath and hate of Hell itself spew forth from the mouth of representatives as well as the governor himself, attempting to introduce a bill to kill a developing baby all the way up to birth.  However, the governor (Northam), went further revealing in a radio interview, that if a baby survives a botched abortion, the baby should be "made comfortable," then those responsible for the attempt to kill that baby -- but were not "successful", should then make the decision as to whether to let the baby live or die and end that precious life!

If I need to translate that, here's what he meant: after the baby is born alive, then those involved can still kill the baby!

Not only is this pre-meditated, first-degree murder, it is complete insanity!

Is this what our country has come to?  After all those babies who have lost their lives through the selfishness of their "parents" since Roe v Wade, and now killing the baby after he or she is born alive???

In reality, though, this is really nothing new: partial-birth abortion was in vogue until it was finally criminalized by law.

But Virginia has gone even further...

And now this from  Virginia bill erases words 'husband' and 'wife' from law, defines embryonic humans as property.
I can only surmise that Virginia has been invaded by hard-Left liberals from New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and maybe even a few from what used to be the Live Free or Die state of New Hampshire?? 
At the very least, we have a president who is trying to establish, once again, the sanctity of human life from birth to natural death.  If Trump succeeds at nothing else, this will be a major accomplishment.  But it will take a true conversion of hearts to end this scourge of death and mayhem..
Pray for our country..
Gene DeLalla

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