Friday, February 8, 2019

Be of Good Cheer! The Tide is Turning!

Has anyone reading this article ever been accused or attacked for being "intolerant," or "racist", or "hateful", or "bigot", or, heaven forbid -- pro-life!  You get the idea.

Well, I have one thing to say: be of Good Cheer!

But why?

The answer is almost painfully simple: with all the vitriol being hurled at you (and I), the face of pure evil is being made manifest to all in American society and beyond.  And because of this, folks are beginning to see just who are the real haters.  This is a good thing!

Further, those that accuse "us" of all those epithets, are, in fact, revealing what they themselves are!

Their conscience is being tweaked, that is, if they still have one..

But the fact remains, the pendulum is beginning to swing in our direction!

This is not only true in society in general, but also in ecclesiastical matters as well.  The extreme examples that we have seen coming out of "Rome" (the Vatican) can only be classified as UN-Catholic!  But here too, more are seeing the mask pulled from the hideous modernists; the compromisers; the abusers; the Satan worshipers -- all part of the human element of the perfect Body of Christ.  More folks are turning to the perennial values of the Church, especially the return to Tradition: in the liturgy, as well as back to the practice of faith and morals as taught by the real Magisterium.

So be of Good Cheer my friends!!

Pray for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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