Friday, February 1, 2019

The Society for the Prevention of Cruely to Animals..(SPCA)...

Most people know this organization by the acronym: S.P.C.A.: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.

I admit that they do a lot of good in preventing, or unearthing cruelty to animals and bringing those responsible to justice, whether it is a fine or jail-time, or both.

As one who has owned not one, but two great dogs during my lifetime, covering a span of nearly 27 years, I can attest that loving dogs can actually become a "member" of the family; they are loyal; they will defend their territory, and that includes the family they are attached to; they warn of danger nearby, and, in some cases, are trained to find lost or missing persons.

It is said that a dog is man's best friend.. Of course, this does not mean that other pets are not "man's best friend," but there is something special and unique about a dog.  In fact, there have been numerous documented incidents where a family dog found missing children, or gave their own lives to save a child.  Simply amazing!

So, anyone with a modicum of grey matter will agree that cruelty to animals, especially if it were their own pet, suffering at the hands of someone with very bad will, should be condemned with the appropriate legal sanctions.

All one has to do is to pick up their local newspaper, or listen to their particular news cast, and see that nasty folks do, in fact, suffer the consequences of cruelty to animals of all kinds and types.  This is especially true of unsanitary conditions or lack of proper feeding.

In today's world, however, it seems to me that there is less concern for pre-born human babies than there is for those very special pets in our lives.

How can this be?

A good question with more than one answer.  The "easiest" answer being that there is a loss of the sanctity of life among those now entering their adult years, becoming themselves parents or parents to be.

The next question could go something like this: what were you taught as a child?

That question, I'm pretty sure, could generate some hostility toward the questioner.  But I also think that it goes to the heart of the matter: how was someone raised?

Was that person taught about the sanctity of life, and that life is a gift from God?   Were the parents a product of the sexual and drug revolution of the 1960's?  If that was the case, then the answer seems more reasonable.  After all, the law of praying is the law of believing.  And if someone isn't taught to pray, then what is it they believe now as adults?

Such seems to be the case of recent legislation being proposed, and, in some cases passed, that allows for the killing of nearly born, or born babies.  Isn't this infanticide?  Murder?  And yet we see this happening right before our eyes almost on a daily basis.

How can we do this to our offspring on the one hand, and yet have disgust when we hear of the cruelty to animals on the other?

The priorities are certainly twisted, and that's putting it mildly...

What's the answer?

A true conversion of hearts: one at a time.  In fact, there have been major conversions of folks that once used all their energies for the procurement of abortion, and now are ardent pro-life advocates, speaking out against the taking of innocent life.

By the way, the conversion of those hardened hearts cannot be forced; that's where prayer comes in.  We have to pray for our enemies, if we do nothing else.

And pray too for the clergy that they have the guts to at least speak out against the insanity of elected politicians using their enormous power and influence to destroy the pre-born...

Pray too for our country...

Gene DeLalla

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