Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Attack on Tradition(alism) and the Virtue of Justice...

Today, in the secular, as well as the ecclesiastical world, there is an obvious attack on Tradition(alism) and the virtue of Justice...

We see this all around us: on TV (you shouldn't own one!); in the movies (most are immoral and obscene); in the Catholic Church by her enemies, not only from without, but most horribly, from within.

The agenda of those who show outright malice and hate for anything or anybody that attempts to maintain some measure of traditional societal values, or traditionalism in matters spiritual, i.e., in the Church, is not only to destroy any vestige of that tradition, but also to establish --  in law -- that very same agenda, which, I contend, is their ultimate goal.

Once in law, then those who oppose the un-natural, or un-Godly, are looked upon as the contemptable ones, and the real villains in the fight to establish their socialistic or Communist utopia, where all are controlled or dependent on the State for their livelihood and their "rights".  

But in such a diabolical scenario, there is no justice.  And, without justice, there can be no freedom of speech or religion, with those in power the ones who determine what to believe and how to express it.  This is all well and good -- under their scrutiny -- unless and until that person or entity says or does something that is critical of those in power, at that point, the Sword of Damocles will come crashing down and either destroy, or seriously curtail the rights and freedoms once enjoyed in days past.

This is not something to worry about in the distant future; no, it is happening now as I write this.  It is seen on a daily basis, especially on social media, with "conservatives" being routinely blacklisted or shadow-banned simply because they express a truth; a truth that the elites cannot tolerate.

It never ceases to amaze me how those who commit vile and heinous acts, accuse those who follow the Natural Law as well as divinely revealed law, of exactly what they do or have done!  I believe the reason why this happens is because the Godly, those who follow the Commandments, tweak the consciences of the morally corrupt.  In other words, the corrupt know what they are doing is wrong, and, in many cases, unnatural, yet they are slaves to the evil they have wrought!

All this may sound impossible to turn around, but there is always hope!  As we should realize that God is in control of all human events, and history itself.  And because God is in control, we cannot despair (despair being one of the great sins against the virtue of hope; the other is presumption).

Now more than ever, it is time to pray for our country to appease a jealous God that gave us the power to co-create with Him, and bring into the world, a new life; a new soul!  The scourge of the killing of the pre-born must end!  But we cannot count on any one politician, or political party, or even a nominee to the Supreme Court, to turn this diabolical disorientation back to some sense of normalcy.  We must count on the One that gave His life for all of us: Christ the Lord!

Gene DeLalla

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