Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Afraid To Respond To The Hard-Core Leftists? Are We Conservatives Too Nice?

 Why the silence in the face of outright lies and discrimination against those who consider themselves conservatives and pro-life?

Are we being too nice; are we afraid to respond to the hard-core leftists?

Christ, Our Lord -- the Lamb of God -- didn't remain silent; He acted, when He scolded and chased the moneychangers from the synagogue -- the Temple of His Father!

So why are we conservatives afraid to speak-up?

The Roman Empire lasted for nearly 700 years!  If we allow the Left to take over our government; if we don't speak-up and protest to the end, our Republic will come crashing down in very short order.  The grand experiment envisioned by the Founding Fathers, will end at year 244, not 500, or 700...

If President Trump is not certified on January 20, 2021, and the Biden/Harris cabal are successful at stealing and occupying the White House for at least four years, our beloved country as we know it, will die a not-so-slow death.

The time for being "nice," is over!

It is time to take the gloves off and fight for what we believe in and protect our Constitutional rights as given to us by our good God, and enshrined in the Natural Law.  There are very few politicians and judges who are willing to fight for us, so we have to take the reigns of government out of the hands of the incoming socialists and outright Communists.  If we don't, then we will become mere serfs and enslaved for the rest of our natural lives.  

If you don't care about your own life and liberties, then think about your children and grandchildren.  Does the prospect of living under the heavy-handed globalist elite scare you?  If not, then you are part of the problem.  But it is more than a problem, it will be the end of our way of life.  Our rights will be consigned to the dustbin of history; we will be no better than any other third-world hell-hole where every aspect of our lives will be dictated to by a compromised, apostate "Catholic" Biden and the radical, anti-Catholic bigot, Harris.  

Both Biden and Harris are the most radical and extreme supporters of the slaughter of the pre-born, bar none.  They will foster even more killing of the pre-born by increasing, not decreasing, our tax monies to further fund the killing machines, i.e., "planned parenthood" and the many other abortion mills still operating in our country...

We get no help or even verbal support from the "Catholic" hierarchy in our nation.  Their silence is deafening!  They are completely compromised almost to the last man.  

If the supreme court doesn't nullify the 2020 presidential election, then I would urge President Trump not to leave the White House; stand firm, even if he has to use loyal military forces to do it!

Not such a "nice" prospect, but the only avenue left for those who believe in the rights and liberties instilled in us when we came into the world...

Pray for President Trump and pray for our country!

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us..

Gene DeLalla 


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