Monday, December 7, 2020

Massive Election And Voter Fraud In The 2020 Presidential Election; Massive Spiritual Fraud Among The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy: Are They Related?


The incredible weakness in the novus ordo hierarchy is stunning!  The milquetoast reaction to the secular authorities demanding that churches be shut down -- again! -- due to the so-called "surge" in new cases of the Wuhan virus, is further proof that they have nearly all deserted their flocks to the ravenous, anti-Christ wolves.  In addition, their response to the new -- mostly untested -- COVID-19 vaccines and the legitimate, faithful Catholics' refusal to take the poison, is nothing short of a sell-out of perennial Church teaching regarding the sanctity of human life, from conception to natural death.  These bishops know full well that the cell-lines used in the concoction of the vaccines include the tissue of aborted babies, yet most have pronounced that they are acceptable, and we should have no objection to being injected with the un-natural elements that make up this witches-brew of chemicals and the tissue of murdered babies...  

It should be noted that most of the draconian measures now being mandated are from Democratic governors and mayors holding a near death-grip on the necks of their citizens.  However, it is becoming more apparent than ever, that a number of Republican governors are falling for the false science being parroted by the leftist mainstream media concerning the new cases of the Wuhan virus.  

Cases versus hospitalizations versus deaths...

Is there a difference?

The answer is a resounding yes!

The "surge" in new cases of the virus means nothing; hospitalizations are for those elderly with co-morbidities, mostly of the elderly, and that coincides with their deaths.  But the Marxist media conspirators do not mention the age groups nor their co-existing diseases that are supposedly being infected with the COVID virus leading to their deaths.  We already know that the PCR tests are being manipulated as it has been proven by many health-care professionals, physicians and scientists.  In fact, it may be a simple cold or influenza that brought them to the hospital in the first place!  Make no mistake, it is planned that way to continue to instill fear, panic and, ultimately, control of nearly every aspect of our lives, both public and private, now -- and forever. 

The mainstream narrative sights science for demanding that all wear face-mask; un-social distancing, and stay-at-home isolation tactics.  The actual science is quite different.  Face-masks are ineffective; filthy -- after several hours of wearing, and do nothing to protect the wearer or those around them.  Doctors and scientists have proven this over and over again, but it falls on the deaf ears of an indoctrinated populace, unwilling or incapable of questioning the lies.  The widespread capitulation on the part of our fellow citizens to the illicit, un-constitutional dictates of petty tyrants, is scary.  But there are new, and ever-growing movements across the country, defying the lockdowns and restrictions on businesses and church services, mostly in Democratic controlled cities and states.  

Getting back to the question: is there a connection between the massive election and voter fraud perpetrated by traitors to our country, and massive spiritual fraud among the hierarchy of what passes for the Catholic church today?

It is without question that as the church goes, so goes society.  In this case, as in many others, the church's compromise of its core, moral, and spiritual values and teachings, has led to the destruction of uncountable millions of souls over the last 55 to 60 years, from just before the Second Vatican Council, to the present.  The revolution that took place in Rome starting back in 1962, and ending in late 1965 (the years of the Council), was the continuation of the ongoing revolution that began after Adam and Eve were thrown out of the Garden.  (It should be noted that shortly after the expulsion from the Garden of Paradise, the first murder was committed when Cain killed his brother Abel out of jealousy and envy; two traits of our fallen nature.)

This is not an oversimplification of historical or ecclesiastical events, rather it is a snapshot of the disaster of events in the church and society.  No longer is the novus ordo Catholic church looked to as a moral and spiritual beacon, not only to Catholics, but also to the world at large, as it once had been.  Is it any wonder why corruption, sexual predation, compromise and appeasement is the rule rather than the exception among the bishops to the secular authorities?   Most bishops, purposely, I feel, do not even mention or consider the traditional movement in our country, as well as in many other Western countries; just the opposite, many if not all of the hierarchy are antagonistic toward traditionalists including the Traditional Latin Mass.  

But why?

Could it be that such traditionalists are seen as a threat to the power of the cabal of bishops who want to maintain the status quo, regardless of the empty pews and the continuing revelations of sexually abused victims by homosexual predators in the novus ordo?  If this is true -- and the facts bear out this hypothesis! -- then one can only conclude that most bishops have sold their souls to Satan for power, influence and position in this life, regardless of the consequences they will surely face in the next.  Another major reason for their arrogance and disdain for church teaching, by the majority of the bishops, is that they feel emboldened by the current reigning pope in the person of Bergoglio, sitting in the Chair of St. Peter.   

We are being chastised for our spiritual sloth and, in many cases, our outright denial that in order to attain eternal salvation, one has to come in to the (authentic) Catholic Church, conversely, outside of which, there is no salvation for any human creature.  This fact, too, has been denied by the majority of those men who have been elevated to the rank of bishop, adding to the extreme weakness in the church, capitulating to the spirit of the age, rather than evangelizing those on the outside to enter the one Ark of salvation...

Please continue to pray for President Trump and our country...

Strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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