Thursday, December 10, 2020

It Has Been Proven: There Is Life After Death, As Thousands Of Dead People Have Voted In The 2020 Presidential Election!!

 This is great news!  There is life after death!  Take that, you atheists; you non-believers!  We Catholics (and others who label themselves as Christians) knew there was life after death, but the 2020 presidential election has proved what we knew all along!

Now, there is also proof that the dead are also aware of what happens here on earth; they do care and are involved -- directly, in some cases -- in the personal lives of their former loved ones and friends...

What the Bible teaches about the next life, as well as what the Catholic martyrs of the early church believed, has been proven in spades -- by the thousands!  Thousands of votes were cast, especially in the so-called "battleground states" by dead people.  So, is any more evidence needed to convince the world at large that we will have another life after this one?  I say no!  It is time to move on to the next big question: did those dead people realize that they cast their votes for a compromised, Communist puppet, Biden, and his entourage of his corrupt running mate, Harris?  I would have to believe that many of those dead voters were American patriots with some dying in battle to protect their beloved country, as well as freeing the European continent from the Nazi terror and bringing the Japanese Empire to its knees.  

Some, I'm sure, fought in "my" war, Vietnam, with their names appearing on the Wall in Washington, D.C.  I can't believe that my brothers would have voted for the anti-American, pro-death, Biden.  No way!

In light of all the evidence of voter fraud, that many of our dear departed voting public had their votes flipped from President Trump to Biden, they must be spinning in their graves, as the saying goes...

I don't blame them!  There must be a remedy for those of us who are still living, to right this great wrong for our dead American voters, since they cannot seek redress themselves...

Should we take this important issue to the supreme court?  Should we file lawsuits at the state level where there was the greatest fraud, such as in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada, etc.??  The very least we can do for our dead voters is to pray for their souls that they make it to heaven, even if we can't get redress for their grievances here on earth...

In conclusion, I must say that even the anti-Christ, anti-life Democrats have confirmed that there is, in fact, life after death by counting all the votes of our departed brethren.  Thank you, Democrats...

Pray for our country and President Trump...

Strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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