Wednesday, December 30, 2020

President Trump On St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop Of Canterbury, Martyred 1170 A.D...

 On December 29, 2020, President Trump declared a day of observance of a Catholic Saint; St. Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury who was martyred in his cathedral at the altar just as he was about to say Mass.  His martyrdom was extraordinarily gruesome.  I will not describe what was done to him, suffice to say, that the assassins carried out this horrid murder by instruction of King Henry II.

The Archbishop would not let any political power in England move in and govern, or destroy, any of the God-given liberties of the Catholic Church, and for this his former friend, Henry II, had him killed...

Now, on the surface, you might ask: "What's the big deal about President Trump making reference to a murdered Catholic Saint who died 850 years ago?"

I could almost agree with that question if it were not for the fact that St. Thomas Becket withstood the attempts of the secular authorities to rule the Church, or appoint bishops (as King Henry VIII did after he broke away from Rome and declared himself to be the head of the church in England).  But why would Mr. Trump mention this great Saint at this particular time in our country?  Could it be that he sees a milquetoast Catholic hierarchy in the U.S. not willing to stand up to the tyrannical and un-constitutional dictates of certain Democratic governors and mayors, shutting down churches or limiting the number of people who can attend services because of a perceived "pandemic"?   And, he knows how important the authentic Catholic church really is in order to maintain stability and morality in a world gone mad with hedonism and compromise?

President Trump is not Catholic, yet he still issues a formal declaration, by his power as President, to recognize a Catholic Saint!

There is something more going on here than meets the eye at least on the surface of this proclamation.  We have already seen and heard Mr. Trump speak fondly of the Catholic church and its uncompromising doctrines on life and marriage.  (The same can be said for the talk-show host, Rush Limbaugh, now suffering with stage four lung cancer.  I have heard Mr. Limbaugh on more than one occasion defending those same, unchanging church teachings...)  

Most know that the president's wife is a Catholic, though we are not sure if she is doing her best to practice the faith she was born into.  On several occasions, she has manifested her faith especially when visiting Marion shrines. (Our Lady will never let anyone down who is dedicated to Her!)   Mrs. Trump could very well be influencing her husband and drawing him ever closer to convert to the Catholic religion...

It is quite curious that a Protestant president would specifically refer to and reflect on a Catholic Saint. This brings to mind Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., (who was killed in April, 1968), who once wrote a Letter from the Birmingham Jail, discussing what constitutes a just law.  In that letter, he referenced two, great Catholic Saints: St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas and the elements that would make a law just or unjust...

In these troubled times, it is good to see President Trump standing up for the pre-born as well as the perennial teachings of the Catholic church.  Let us pray that Mr. Trump will some day enter the one Ark of Salvation, and bring his entire family with him to experience the saving graces of our Lord, and His most Blessed Mother...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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