Thursday, December 24, 2020

December 25, Not 2020, But 2,000 Years Ago: The Birth Of Christ...

 With all the chaos going on in the world and especially in our own country, it is easy to fall prey to despair and hopelessness.   (Despair, one of the great sins against the virtue of Hope.) 

Unfortunately, our taxpayer monies still go to the merchants of death: "planned parenthood" and their murderous cronies, to the tune of nearly $500,000,000 every single year.  President Trump is trying to undo some of that, thank goodness, but much more needs to be done.

We all know that the Democrats and their wealthy new-world-order financiers poured money and technology into the 2020 presidential election and attempted to steal the election from Mr. Trump, and hand it over to the corrupt, and apostate "Catholic," Biden.  And that's when the real persecution of faithful Catholics would happen.  Don't be surprised when the "thought police" come to your door simply for voicing the truth about God, country, and family...

If Biden does enter the White House, it will, for all practical purposes, be held hostage by an illegitimate "president," intent on destroying any pro-life advances made under President Trump.  In addition, paying back his Communist enablers, i.e., Red China.

Many Americans are still without work due to the phony numbers and draconian measures initiated by mostly Democratic governors and mayors, to lockdown and stifle honest-to-goodness businesses, not to mention the intentional separation of family from family, and friends from friends all in the name of containing a strain of the flu bug...

Justice?  There doesn't seem to be any, whether in the political or ecclesiastical realm.  We Catholics have to deal with a weakened and outright compromised hierarchy; good priests that preach the truth, only to be attacked, censured, or called nutcases, and bishops afraid to tell the secular authorities to keep their hands off our churches!  Where, by the way, is the so-called "separation of church and state" these days?  If the atheistic hard left can use that against us, why don't the bishops use that against them???

All this sounds pretty discouraging, I admit, but on December 25, 2020, we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Who came into the world to sanctify and save us from -- ourselves!  He also promised us that the gates of hell would never prevail against His -- faithful! -- church; the Elect; the Remnant... with such a promise, all trials and tribulations that we suffer in this life, will fail to destroy us, rather they will make us stronger to face that final challenge at the moment of our death.  Mary Most Holy, pray for us!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla 


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