Monday, December 14, 2020

Corruption Beyond Belief!!!

 The so-called "department of justice" wouldn't recognize the truth if it were staring it in the face.  Moreover, if the truth -- that means facts -- did make it into the upper echelons of the DOJ and the FBI, those career, political animals -- and that's what they are -- would simply ignore them, or worse.  

They might say something like this: "there's really nothing to see here, folks, so let's move on..."  That includes the lifetime-appointed judges sitting on the bench, ignoring the reality of corruption in the election process.  Many, but not all, of these judges were appointed by the previous administration.  That in itself should mean nothing, but we know that ideologies do enter into their decision-making.  That should be enough to charge them with malfeasance and be removed from office.  (The action of impeachment, does happen, but rarely, so justice continues to suffer for as long they live and occupy the bench.)

In light of all the election and voter fraud -- some of which is actually on video! -- that literally hundreds of good and decent Americans have signed affidavits, under penalty of perjury, you would think that law enforcement would take action to uncover and make right the wrongs perpetrated in the 2020 presidential election.  But no.  Instead, they explain away, in some twisted double-talk, the reported facts, and dismiss the very credible allegations as well as eye-witness accounts made by reputable election workers of both parties!  

The witnessing of voter and election irregularities is not just another "conspiracy theory," but hard evidence and facts that are fully documented by those very same affidavits, again, signed under the pain and penalty of perjury.  It is serious business to put one's signature to a document and swear -- to God almighty -- that something is real and true.  It should be remembered, that perjury can land a liar, if convicted, in a federal jail cell for many years!  

So, who won the 2020 election?  The leftist/Marxist media in conjunction with their political lackeys have crowned the incoherent, criminal Biden the new "president elect."  This is premature because lawsuits and investigations are ongoing as I write this missive...

It is very frustrating to see and hear high-ranking Democrat -- and Republican! -- talking heads that should be supporting the president and the administration, but instead they consistently dismiss the challenges to the election results in at least six states.  States that President Trump had enormous leads as we went to bed on the night of November 3rd, only to wake up to the "miraculous" turnaround in the vote count -- in Biden's favor!  

Let's face it, Mr. Trump is surrounded by the swamp and the deep state right smack in his own administration, the congress, senate -- and the cabinet?

Some might call them establishment Republicans or Trump haters, they are both, and more; they are traitors, not only to President Trump, but also to the country and the constituents they claim to represent. 

I am convinced, now more than ever, for the need for term limits on our congressmen, senators -- and judges!

Unless and until the Dept. of Justice and the FBI show some signs of life and live up to their oaths of office to protect, defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, they should all be fired before another day goes by, doing even more damage to our beloved Republic...

The next several weeks will reveal if we are to continue to be a representative republic, or descend into a socialist/Marxist hell-hole led by a compromised and corrupt Biden/Harris regime...  

Pray for strength and honor!!

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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