Saturday, December 12, 2020

Where Is Your Courage, Bergoglio??


Where Is Your Courage, Bergoglio????

See my comments and critique of the press release...  

By Associated Press, December 10, 2020...

By Associated Press

ROME: Pope Francis will celebrate Midnight Mass earlier than usual to comply with Italy's anti-coronavirus curfew [the mass hysteria of the so-called coronavirus is being perpetuated with un-scientific "facts."   Bergoglio is accepting, at face value, what the medical "authorities" declare -- and demand.] and will deliver his Christmas Day blessing indoors to prevent crowds from forming in St. Peter's Square.

The Vatican on Thursday released the pope's COVID-19 Christmas liturgical schedule.

It said the pope's December 24 Mass "which for years hasn't been celebrated at midnight at all but at 9:30 p.m. to spare pontiffs from the late hour" would begin at 7:30 p.m. this year.

Italy has imposed a 10 p.m. nationwide curfew, as well as restaurant closures and other restrictions, to try to prevent crowds from forming following a surge of COVID-19 infections and deaths this fall. [This is the same story that is being spread throughout the U.S... The scare tactics are working, as more and more gutless soy-boys capitulate to the illicit and un-constitutional dictates of badge-heavy civil and medical "authorities".  The surge, as they like to say, means nothing.  The new "cases" are because of the hundreds of thousands of tests now being administered.  One of the reasons for the "surge," is that the PCR tests are being manipulated to show false positives.  This is a known fact, but is completely ignored by the leftist media.  Again, to instill fear and continued panic and control over the gullible populace.  In addition, the media never reports the age groups of those infected, nor do they mention the co-morbidities that most of those elderly have.  And it is mostly, if not all, elderly that suffer from other diseases but are always listed as dying from COVID.]

Francis' other Christmas appointments were confirmed, but his Dec. 25 noontime speech and blessing will be delivered from inside St. Peter's Basilica rather from the loggia overlooking the piazza an appointment that normally would draw thousands of people to the square on Christmas morning.  [Nice.  Continue to eradicate more and more Catholic/Christian traditions in order to continue the lie of the "pandemic."  This is one of the main goals of the radical globalists: to stifle traditional worship of the new-born Babe.]

The Italian government has decided to maintain a hard line on anti-virus restrictions over the holidays in a bid to prevent families from gathering in big groups.  [That's right, continue to isolate and contain the populace, in general, and families in particular.  The hardline leftists know that one of the stumbling blocks of their conquest of Western civilization, and turning it into a Godless, socialist/Marxist utopia, is the breaking-up and destruction of the family.]

Public health officials have said inter-familial transmission was one of the biggest drivers of new infections in this second wave, which has killed over 25,000 people.  [Lie!  Again, this is another massive attack on the family unit!  The "second-wave" was planned long ago by rogue, anti-life, anti-Christ politicians and big pharma.  The 25,000 people cited in the article, means nothing, in the sense that those listed as dying from COVID, died from other causes, not the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID).  On the CDC’s own website, there is a footnote no. 1.  If one scrolls down to that footnote, it plainly reads deaths confirmed or presumed from COVID... This has been proven by brave scientists and medical professionals that have had their reports censored and deleted by the big tech social media giants.]  

Francis canceled his weekly public general audiences a few weeks ago after infections started to surge, including a cluster of a dozen cases among the Vatican's Swiss Guards.  [The lie continues to be repeated; if told often enough, it "becomes" the "truth."  New "cases" mean nothing; the tests are flawed!]

He now delivers his Wednesday catechism [Does Bergoglio really believe what is taught in the Catechism?  His recent actions and statements prove otherwise.] lessons from his library, as he also did during the height of the pandemic's first wave when the Vatican was in full lockdown.

Francis will also celebrate New Year's Eve vespers and New Year's Day Mass in the basilica.

None of the services is open to the public, given social-distancing norms.  [Right.  Keep healthy people isolated and contained.  Are we free citizens, or prisoners?  WE make the choice, not a rogue government!  Therefore, if we allow this to continue, then we are guilty of not standing up for our God-given rights enshrined in all humans that enter the world!]

Pray for President Trump and pray for strength and honor!!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla


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