Monday, December 28, 2020

The "Hail Mary" "Pass"...

 With only a few days to go until the Electoral College votes are certified -- or not! -- I am hearing certain talking heads using the words "Hail Mary," referring to the last chance of President Trump retaining the highest office in the land.  By the way, I disagree with that analysis; if justice prevails, Mr. Trump will be sworn in for a second term as president...

First, I despise those non-Catholics (and some Catholics) using the salutation of the Archangel Gabriel, which was to announce to the future Mother of Christ, that she was full of grace and will conceive a Son by the power of the Holy Ghost; comparing that great event in the history of mankind, to a long-shot pass in a last-ditch effort to tie or win a football game with only seconds remaining on the clock, borders on blasphemy...

The actual verse is from the Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible.  (Note: in most instances, I use the King James Version of the Bible to show my Protestant friends (whom I love!) how the KJV reveals and confirms the Catholic faith, especially when it pertains to the absolute need to receive the Body and Blood of Christ in the Holy Eucharist, (St. John, Chapter Six) in order to have life in you...)  The KJV of the Annunciation uses the words "highly favored."  In reality, the actual phrase used:  Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women... (St. Luke, 1:28.)  In all fairness, the KJV does say: blessed art thou among women!

Second, those who use the phrase "Hail Mary" in such a way, indicates a couple of possibilities... One, perhaps, is that there is a disdain for the Mother of our Lord, when, in reality, there should be love and veneration for the Mother of God.  This only makes for common sense, that is, if one considers himself/herself to be a Christian.  Another possible reason is fear: that non-believers are really not non-believers at all, but don't know how, or are afraid to approach and embrace the Catholic/Christian faith because of peer criticism, ostracism or worse, if they do...

Does that sound far-fetched?  Look at the history of the early church, when the followers of Christ were told to worship idols or suffer a cruel martyrdom.  In other words, the fear of torture and death would be the fate of the those who defied the brutal authorities of the day.  What is not far-fetched is those perilous times may be returning in short order if certain godless politicians gain the most powerful office in the world: that of President of the United States, and I'm not referring to Mr. Trump...

Solutions?  Storm Heaven with thousands, no, make that millions of Hail Mary's, and beg the Blessed Virgin Mary -- God's Mother -- to intercede for us poor pilgrims here on earth, for strength and honor in making potential life-altering choices, which would lead to enslavement by the secular humanists or to finish the race, and win the crown of martyrdom and life everlasting.  Compromise and appeasement simply won't do...

Mary most holy, pray for us...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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