Thursday, December 17, 2020

"But Though We, Or An Angel From Heaven, Preach Any Other Gospel Unto You Than That Which We Have Preached Unto You, Let Him Be Accursed." (St. Paul; Galatians 1:8, King James Version)

From St. Paul's letter to the Galatians, 1:8: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." (K.J.V.) 

In Ephesians, chapter 4, Paul goes on to describe false prophets (heretics), and false teachings (heresy), all meant to distract the followers of Christ from the true Gospel, and to deceive, if possible, even the Elect.

These teachings, or should I say, these stern warnings to the nascent Christian congregation in Galatia and Ephesus, holds just as much meaning today, as it did nearly 2,000 years ago, perhaps even more so.

Today, the Elect; the Remnant, are being bombarded by false prophets as well as an almost non-stop deluge of un-Christian doctrines and teachings emanating from the seat of what was once the true Catholic church.  In fact, as unbelievable as it may seem, we have witnessed idol worship right at the altar of St. Peter's in Rome.   This, however, is really nothing new, as we remember the incredible blasphemous scandal of false gods being placed on the altar at Assisi back in1986.  The so-called interreligious meeting was convened by Pope John Paul II.  At that sick event, the Buddha statue was also placed on the altar, right smack in front of our Lord in the tabernacle!  For his efforts at fostering idol worship, and other un-Catholic and un-Christian manifestations, the modernist, new-world-order church has proclaimed John Paul a "saint"!  But this too is nothing new as my article: The Assembly Line Of The Saint Factory (see here: "the workers on the "assembly line") points out the outrageous canonizations of the three Vat. II popes: John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II.  I also point out that the intent of these "canonizations" is not to edify Catholics around the world, but to solidify in cement, the rogue Second Vatican Council and its false doctrines and outright heresies fostered on a poorly catechized, milquetoast pew-sitter...

Since 2013, the modernists in the church have been emboldened by the likes of pope Bergoglio and those he has surrounded himself with, such as the anti-life population control, globalists/Marxists that have infiltrated -- or, should I say have been invited? -- into the many agencies of the Vatican.

In addition, he has appointed his modernists cronies to the college of cardinals, in effect "packing the college," as the Demonrats in the U.S. want nothing more than to pack the supreme court in order to complete their diabolical agenda to destroy our country, and our God-given rights guaranteed to us by our Creator, and enshrined in the Natural Law and our Constitution...

In reality, what is happening in secular society is inextricably connected to what is occurring in what passes for the modern Catholic church.  They have, in fact, many of the same goals: to erase orthodoxy and tradition, and replace it with novelty and an ideology that is diametrically opposed to Christ and His teachings.  We know that the church will never fail; we have our Lord's promise, but that doesn't mean that the human element will be as pure as the driven snow.  The human element of the church is composed of sinners -- you and I -- and those in the hierarchy that are tasked with shepherding their flock to the heavenly beatitude, have failed miserably as successors of the Apostles.  In many cases, they are complicit in the destruction of pre-born innocent life through silence, compromise, and appeasement, refusing to condemn and ex-communicate those pro-abortion "Catholics" in the Democratic party.  By the way, the Republicans are not immune to the horrors of being "pro-choice," as we know, evil makes no distinction between political parties and can snare anyone who rejects God and the Natural Law. 

These traitors to Christ -- and our country -- must be defeated at all costs, even up to and including martyrdom!  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Fr. Miguel Pro, pray for us...

Gene DeLalla

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