Monday, October 31, 2022

"9/11" Just Won't Go Away -- And It Shouldn't!

  Please go to my blog:, do a simple "search," and see what I have written about the "9/11" "attacks," then, add to those articles, this two-hour+ interview/video, then decide for yourself what took place on that fateful day back on September 11, 2001: Our Second Pearl Harbor!

Watch here: The Simple Physics of 9/11: David Chandler Physics Teacher is Back! (

I can assure you that it is well worth the time to digest this vital information...

I can also assure you that anyone who dares to question the official narrative will be -- and have been! -- attacked by numerous entities, including the so-called "conservative" talking heads, whether on Fox News, or the various radio talk shows that pepper the airwaves, not to mention the mainstream, Marxist media... 

I guarantee that you will be labeled a "conspiracy theorist" or worse, anti-American.

The glaring irony here, is that those who committed this atrocity on our nation are the real anti-Americans!

I do agree that we were, in fact, attacked, but from within our own country by dark, demonic powers for even more sinister reasons -- some have become very apparent over the last 20 years, including our longest war, that in Afghanistan, as well as many of our God-given liberties and rights being crushed nearly to death...

Pray for strength and honor and for justice!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Mad Scientists At (Catholic???) Boston University Create A New Frankenstein "Virus" With 80% Lethality In "Humanized" Mice!!

  If any practicing Catholic needs any more proof of the massive apostacy from the Faith, then look no further!

Are you aware that Boston University -- no longer a Catholic institution! -- is playing Dr. Frankenstein by creating a new and more lethal "virus" with an 80% death rate in mice?

This new, gain of function, anti-human research, is nothing short of in-your-face diabolical lunacy, and is the legacy of another lunatic, the "Catholic" "Dr." Fauci, who is scheduled to resign (after nearly 55 years of deceit, mayhem and murder of his fellow citizens and citizens of the world).   But, for the sake of Satan, his master, he wants to leave behind another blood-money-making-scheme to control and de-populate earth's inhabitants and help foster the reign of anti-Christ...

I urge everyone to read the following information (and watch the video) and see for yourself the level of human arrogance mocking our good God and Creator: Mad Scientists Create Coronavirus With 80% Lethality in Mice - LewRockwell.

There is additional corroboration from an article from from October 17th... ARREST THEM NOW: Boston University Doctors Create New COVID Variant that Has 80% Kill Rate -- Funded by Dr. Fauci and NIH (

I have a question: where is the condemnation by the hierarchy of these rogue, apostate "Catholics" who go their merry way spewing disease and death as if they have no one to answer to???   

The answer: There isn't any!

If this is the case, and it is, then those prelates will also have to answer for their inactions and omissions in allowing these monsters to continue their deadly and diabolical "research".

The question then begs: Why should these Frankenstinian miscreants fulfill the Second Great commandment to love thy neighbor?  Because they don't believe in the First Great Commandment to love God!

God, please have mercy on us, Your slothful, idolatrous children!

And pray for strength and honor!

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Faithful Chinese Catholics Continue To Be Thrown Under The Bus By Treasonous Apostate Rome!

  Let's face it: There is no shame, no conscience, by the current regime occupying the Vatican, and that includes a rogue, anti-Catholic "pope".

A little background... Back in 2018, Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome, sent the convicted pervert "cardinal" McCarrick to Red Communist China to broker an agreement with the murderous commies to allow the deadly, anti-Christ CCP to pick and choose "bishops" to head the so-called Chinese Patriotic Catholic Church.  Supposedly, Rome would then have to approve those picked, then everything would be hunky-dory, and Rome and the commies would be like two peas in a pod (which they are, in more ways than one!).

But wait a minute!  

There was and is a problem...

The faithful Catholics -- that is, faithful to our Lord and the authentic Magisterium -- were thrown under the bus and had to go even deeper underground in order to preserve their Catholic faith.

Sure, they could have recognized the hand-picked communist "bishops," but that would be a sell-out to the Reds, they didn't, but that's exactly what Rome did!

Here is an excerpt from an article from written by Patrick Goodenough: "It said the Vatican was “committed to continuing a respectful and constructive dialogue” with China for the accord’s productive implementation “and further development of bilateral relations, with a view to fostering the mission of the Catholic Church and the good of the Chinese people.”  (My emphasis.)


Read the entire article here and see for yourselves what this agreement from hell is really all about: Vatican-Beijing Accord on Chinese Catholics Extended: ‘Mistake’ to Compromise Faith for Communists, Pompeo Says | CNSNews.

(At the end of the article, you will see additional articles that corroborate the treason of the novus ordo hierarchy and their diabolical treachery...) 

Think I'm being too harsh?  Just ask faithful -- real -- Cardinal Zen...

(Right now, the 90-year-old cardinal is being tried by the commies for his support for pro-democracy protestors in Hong Kong -- which is now under communist domination since the gutless, stupid British surrendered the colony to the Reds.)

Or how about -- real -- Bishop Joseph Zhang Weizhu?

My dear readers: appeasement and compromise never works.  That's bad enough on a secular level, but when that appeasement and compromise infects what is left of the novus ordo "church," the spiritual consequences are disastrous!  

There have been more than a few Chinese Catholics who would, no doubt, qualify for the title MARTYR!  That title may well soon be applied to faithful Catholics here in the U.S. and other pockets of resistance to those false prelates trying to destroy the real Catholic Church, especially the flourishing Traditional Latin Mass.  (Regarding the TLM, watch and see what will be coming down the road by early next year, around March at the latest, and get ready to go underground!) 

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these apostates...

Viva Christo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Thursday, October 20, 2022

Pelosi (The Baby Killer), "The Children," Sin, And The Four Last Things...

 A Catholic calling out a "Catholic"?  

It's tough.

It's called admonishing the sinner -- for their own eternal good!

Sure, I might not do it in the most kind or charitable way, but I have to do it.  And I also know that neither she, Pelosi, nor any of the other "Catholic" politicians who are radical supporters of the sin of sacrificing the pre-born on the altar of Moloch, or the sin of Sodom, will ever get to see my articles, nevertheless that doesn't change the fact that, I, or someone, must speak up...

If an unknown "Catholic" living in a community wields little or no influence in that community, that's one thing, but someone who is in a position of massive power that can affect deadly legislation, in this case, as Speaker of the House in Congress, that's another.  And such destructive power is in the hands of N. Pelosi... 

Pelosi, a self-described "devout Catholic," has for decades, supported the killing of the pre-born through arm-twisting (and probably threats to one's political career!), cajoling and whatever tactics are available to the person third in line to the presidency, in order to secure that generations of our tiny brothers and sisters never see the light of day or breathe air -- for the demonic mantra of "reproductive health care"... 

It really makes me sick to see and hear the scandal that this female constantly spews from her mouth and pen.  Her hypocrisy knows no bounds as is witnessed by her selective "concern" for children as can be corroborated by numerous articles and videos over time... 

For instance, here is an article from 

See the article here: Pelosi: We Have to Give Children 'Values That Are Respected and Agreed Upon' | CNSNews.

But don't those children have to be alive in order to hand down to those children "values that are respected and agreed upon"? 

Of course, they have to be alive... 

Pelosi is no different than her installed boss, Biden, also a self-described "devout Catholic," who is known throughout the Senate as an incoherent pervert, hair-sniffer-fondler of women and young girls, not to mention his Marxist tendencies as well as selling out our sovereignty to his globalist masters.  Of course, his radical support of the slaughter of the pre-born is legendary, plus his support for the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, the sin of Sodom...

So, what's with these two (of many in his cabinet, I'm afraid)?

The following article may give a hint of the widespread apostacy that has infected, not only the Catholic Church, but also other "Christian" denominations across the land of the free and the home of the brave...

Here is another article from 

Read the article here: Whatever Became of Sin? | CNSNews

(I don't believe that the author, Bill Keith, is a Catholic -- but he should be!  He hits the nail on the head and gives further proof of the "great" apostacy, not only in the church, but also throughout secular society as well, as is evidenced by the rejection of even the Natural Law!)

It's pretty easy to cross the "t's" and dot the "i's," put two and two together and come up with what the apostacy from Rome has wrought throughout the world, but especially in what is left of the novus ordo "church"...

So, instead of "pope" Bergoglio admonishing Pelosi and Biden, he supports their moral turpitude by saying they should keep receiving the Holy Eucharist even though they are automatically ex-communicated from the Catholic Church for their radical support of the killing of the pre-born!


I can only presume that such miscreants do not believe in the four last things: Death, Judgment, Heaven or Hell, to their eternal detriment, of course...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



Tuesday, October 18, 2022

The Pontifical Academy For Life, Or The Pontifical Academy For The Culture Of Death Under Bergoglio, You Decide...

  Well, he's done it again!

Done what?

He (Bergoglio) has appointed another anti-Christ to the -- former -- Pontifical Academy For Life in the form of a demonic -- professed atheist! -- Mariana Mazzucato, who, by the way, is also a radical pro-abortionist and population control maniac, in the same vein of Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, who was also appointed by Bergoglio to the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences some time back...

Mazzucato is also a card-carrying member of the notoriously anti-life, anti-Christ, World Economic Forum.  An organization that has been a catalyst for abortion, population control, a one-world government (which Bergoglio has advocated) and transhumanism as well!

So, I have to ask: just who is Bergoglio?

Is he a pope of the Catholic Church, or is his master, not Christ, but our Lord's enemy and the enemy of the human race, Satan?

Bergoglio has done so much damage to what is left of the novus ordo "church" since he was installed as "pope" back in 2013, that even the non-Catholic world is confused and dismayed by his words and actions.  He can no longer hide behind the mantra of "accompaniment," "dialogue," and a false ecumenism that does nothing for the Catholic Church, but only for the enemies of 2,000 of Church teaching and Tradition (the deposit of faith).  

In other words, when it comes to "dialogue" with other "religions," the Church always gets the short end of the stick, with little or no "give" from Her enemies... 

And now, Bergoglio has perverted the Pontifical Academy For Life, founded during the reign of Pope John Paul II who, at this writing, must be spinning in his grave at the errors, heresies, appeasement and compromise of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter -- who is also spinning in his grave, no doubt!

Please read the following article from

Pope appoints pro-abortion World Economic Forum speaker to Pontifical Academy for Life - LifeSite (

The novus ordo "church" is dying on the vine, but unfortunately, the ripple effects will and is affecting the whole Catholic world and secular society as well.  It's the old saying: as the church goes, so goes society.  And that is why we have apostate "Catholics" who spew their contempt for life and quote their "devout faith," the Bible and Church teaching to justify their radical support for the killing of the pre-born, the sin of Sodom and the new world order.

Faithful Catholics are under duress, but it will get much worse, if not under Bergoglio, then under his hand-picked successor.  Mark my words and pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us..

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

The Devastating Proof -- TRUTH! -- Of The PLANNED Revolution In The Church Starting From The Demonic Second Vatican Council And Forward!

  I could have titled this missive as "the continuing proof," or "the obvious proof," or "the sickening proof," or any way you want to describe the massive apostacy, treason and outright denial of what the authentic Catholic Church has taught and believed always and everywhere -- universally (catholic) -- throughout the ages...

The following video and report from Church Militant should be a wakeup call to those who continue to defend Vat. II -- and the havoc that started, then followed a council that was supposed to "let fresh air into the Church," but instead allowed the "smoke of Satan into the sanctuary" (Paul VI)...

(629) Catholic — News Report — Lethal Tsunami - YouTube.

That "smoke of Satan" was, and is, the modernist, communist, pervert infiltration that began -- admittedly -- long before Vat. II.  In fact, there was congressional testimony from the former communist, Bella Dodd and her minions, who were tasked by the atheistic communist Soviet Union to recruit commies, perverts, and who knows who else or what else, to enter the seminaries, keep their mouths shut, make nice, become "priests," then twist and corrupt the minds and souls of faithful Catholics, in some very subtle ways -- gradually turning up the heat and eventually boiling the spiritual frog to death -- over the span of multiple decades leading up to the current mess in the novus ordo "church"... 

We now know that certain "priests," bishops" and "cardinals" were in-your-face perverts who sexually attacked and destroyed uncountable innocent souls for years on end, with other pervert "bishops" and "cardinals," not only covering up their dastardly deeds, but also shifting them around to other dioceses where those demons could continue the foul sin of Sodom unhindered.

Sure, some justice was eventually meted out to some of the victims and their families, but it was -- and is -- too little too late, and some of the perpetrators did land in jail, but far too many escaped the wrath of the civil authorities, but they will not escape the wrath of God -- it is called JUSTICE!

There is another aspect to this massive infiltration along with the "spirit of Vatican II," and that was -- and is -- the denial of the core dogma that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation for any human creature (see my article: The End Result Of Appeasement, Treason And Apostacy: The DOGMA That Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation, Is Now DOA!)

And if that were not bad enough, just after the council, and all the way up to the late 70s and 80s, literally tens of thousands of priests and religious deserted their vocations in order "to find themselves" -- sick!  Let's call that the result of the spirit of Satan, not the Holy Ghost... 

The parallel "Catholic" Church is a disaster and can only be saved by really brave bishops -- if there are any left -- as well as by the faithful laity.

Presently, with Bergoglio at the helm of the ship-of-state, the errors, heresies and mass confusion that Catholics -- and non-Catholics alike -- see and hear emanating from Rome, can account for the incredible estimate that about 70+ percent of those who profess to be Catholic, no longer believe in the Real Presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament!  If that is the case, then what do they believe in -- or deny???  

Pray for strength and honor for what is assuredly coming down the ecclesiastical road that just may shake our souls to the core!  I am convinced that we American Catholics will soon join our Chinese brothers and sisters and enter the catacombs a second time, very deeply underground...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Thursday, October 13, 2022

The People That Are In Back Of Fomenting And Promoting The Ukraine War Should Be Hauled Out Of Office And Tried For War Crimes And Crimes Against Humanity...

 "These fools are toying with what could soon be the biggest disaster in world history."

Please read the following article/interview by Doug Casey at

The Likelihood of Nuclear War With Russia - LewRockwell

If this doesn't wake up some dumbed-down Americans, nothing will...

Here are a couple of excerpts...

"International Man: Recently, we’ve seen what appears to be an escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

There is an excellent chance the US government was behind the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines, Russia has annexed four regions of Ukraine, and President Zelensky announced an accelerated bid to join NATO.

What do you make of this?

Doug Casey: I’d say that the odds are extremely high, approaching certainty, that the US was complicit in the sabotage. It certainly had the Motive, Means, and Opportunity—the three elements necessary to warrant suspicion in a criminal investigation."

"International Man: Vladimir Putin recently gave a speech in which he said:

“The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. The preservation of this annuity is their main, real and absolutely self-serving motivation. This is why total de-sovereignization is in their interest. This explains their aggression towards independent states, traditional values and authentic cultures, their attempts to undermine international and integration processes, new global currencies and technological development centers they cannot control. It is critically important for them to force all countries to surrender their sovereignty to the United States.”

What’s your take on this?

Doug Casey: I’ve listened to a number of Putin’s speeches.

It’s fashionable to make him out as being not only the devil incarnate but irrational and somebody that wants to conquer Europe and perhaps destroy the world in the process. But in fact, compared to all of the other European leaders, he’s the most cool-headed, the most thoughtful, and the one with the most perspective.

He is absolutely right when he says that the West is acting as a hegemon. In particular, the US has been exporting dollars for decades—which have allowed it to live way above its means—and control the world by controlling the world’s monetary system. With the dollar accepted as the international reserve currency, backed up by institutions like the World Bank and the IMF, and a giant military with bases in over 100 countries, the US can basically call the shots for other cultures and countries."

End of excerpts... 

Please note the following: Reprinted with permission from International Man.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

The End Result Of Appeasement, Treason And Apostacy: The DOGMA That Outside The Catholic Church There Is No Salvation, Is Now DOA!

  You have this great friend.  His name is Syd.  He's a family man, father, hardworking, quite charitable -- and he's on your bowling team, too!

Syd is a Jew.  (Or he could have been an atheist, a Protestant, a Hindu, et al.)

Syd has heard of Christ -- who hasn't?  

He knows about Christmas and the several other special holidays (holy days), such as Easter that are celebrated, not only by Catholics, but also by other "Christians" around the world... 

Few, if any Catholics have talked to Syd about our dear Lord and His sacrifice on the Cross and the fulfillment of the Old Testament prophesies regarding the coming Messiahs Who would redeem mankind from the fall of our first parents and to destroy the Original Sin committed in the Garden by (water! -- not by "desire" or blood baloney) Baptism...  

Syd has a general knowledge of such things, because he is an inquisitive soul who loves to dig into things and research if he has some spare time in addition to his essential duties of husband and bread winner.

Syd also reads the Old Testament (the Torah) and takes his family to temple on the special, appropriate days, following the Jewish calendar...  

In other words, Syd is a practicing Jew.

Syd's neighbor is a practicing Catholic, born before the Second Vatican Council, and attended the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages, and lamented the near destruction of the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven as well as the radical changes in Church teachings on faith and morals.  Most notably, the absolute compromise on the key, foundational DOGMA that outside the Catholic Church there is no salvation for any human creature...

This horrific appeasement, treason and even apostacy, has led to the destruction of countless millions of souls, included among those souls were Catholics who left the Church after the radical, modernist changes implemented after that satanic council...

One day, Frank and Syd had a conversation regarding the current events of the day, including the mad race to the "great reset" and the threats of all-out war in a country that the U.S., in reality, has very little interest in except for the connection of the corrupt financial dealings with a certain "president's" son and the phony, installed government of Ukraine...

Syd brought up the fact that he recently watched a video of fellow Jew, Ben Shapiro, interviewing "Bishop" Barron (of Internet "fame")... 

Ben asked "Bishop" Barron if he had to accept Jesus Christ in order to be saved.  

A pretty straightforward question that needed a straightforward and accurate answer.  But instead of "Bishop" Barron explaining -- in a charitable way, of course -- that Ben had to recognize our Lord as Savior and come into the Catholic Church in order to be saved, he made the astonishing reply that Christ was the "privileged way" to get to Heaven!   

Where have I read: that no one comes to the Father except through Me?

No ifs, ands or buts here.   It's the simple truth.  But not according to "Bishop" Barron...

Right then and there, Barron had a tremendous chance to bring Ben Shapiro into the Church or at least get him to ask some important questions and perhaps, seek and find the truth.

But, no, Barron blew it... I guess he didn't want to create an uneasy atmosphere for Ben (or for himself?), but worse, he failed to exercise his charism as a "bishop" and lead someone outside the fold to his Lord and Savior... What a damn shame...

Syd then asks Frank: was "bishop" Barron correct in what he told Ben??

Frank -- quite boldly, at least in these days! -- responded that Barron was wrong as hell and should have explained to Ben that Christ was indeed the Messiahs and about Christ's ultimate sacrifice on the Cross for all mankind in order to redeem us and save us.  And that Christ founded a church on the rock of St. Peter -- one church, not many -- in order to bring the sacraments instituted by Christ to nourish our souls and lead us to the Heavenly Beatitude...  

After a while, Frank suggested to Syd they have lunch sometime in the near future and continue the conversation regarding our ultimate destiny and what we have to do to get to Heaven... 

Syd agreed...

Good luck, Frank!

End of my rant!

See this video by Dr. Stine about the compromise and appeasement of the DOGMA that outside the Church there is no salvation and the horrific plan that may lead to the "canonization" of non-Catholics!

 (561) Francis Is Going To "Canonize" Non-Catholic "Saints" - YouTube.

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 




Tuesday, October 11, 2022

As The Novus Ordo "Church" Goes, So Goes Society: It's For The Children, The Children! So Says The Apostate Baby Killer, Pelosi...

  The hypocrite, apostate, Pelosi, is at it again!  

In an article from, you will see for yourself her selective "concern" for the children.  

Don't get me wrong, as Catholics, it is our duty to do what we can to help those less fortunate than we are, whether we donate funds or food or prayers, and doing what the second great Commandment demands of us: to Love Our Neighbor...

But that ancient female in the Congress continues to be an accessory to the murder of the pre-born, receives the Holy Eucharist (the mortal sin of sacrilege), then lectures us about what our responsibility toward the very same children she helps to kill by citing -- you guessed it -- the Bible!  

Remember, this is the witch that continues to proclaim herself as a "devout Catholic"!  

(When I described Peloso as "ancient," I am making reference to her mental and spiritual well-being, or lack of same, not necessarily her age, as I have numerous great friends in their 80s and 90s, and I wouldn't trade those good folks for a trillion bucks!) 

Nancy Pelosi: "The Bible Tells Us: 'When…’" | CNSNews.

What we are witnessing is the result of the "great" apostacy in what passes for, and what remains of, the novus ordo "Catholic" Church. 

It should be apparent to all -- by now! -- that the so-called "spirit of Vatican II" was not the spirit of the Holy Ghost, quite the contrary, it was -- and is -- the demonic spirit of Satan that let his smoke right smack into the sanctuary (Paul VI). 

In closing... I wonder if Pelosi actually believes in the Real Presence.  Could she be one of the 70+ percent of "Catholics" who doesn't?  If that is the case, then what is it that she thinks she is receiving at Holy Communion -- that she shouldn't be receiving in the first place???

Pray for strength and honor -- and for the conversion of Pelosi and her ilk...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Friday, October 7, 2022

Has "Catholic" Poland Lost Their Collective Minds?????

 Where to begin?

Consider this: "Poland is a very religious country with over 33 million citizens practicing Catholicism, which makes up around 87% of the population. In Poland, Pope John Paul II, who is famous for renewing widespread Catholic faith, continues to be a powerful religious symbol and figure. Catholicism is the most prominent religion in Poland by a large percentage."  (According to the

Fine.  But consider this too, from Americans Better Wake Up and Realize the Russians Are genuinely Pissed Off (

Here is an excerpt from this troubling article: "Poland made matters worse by claiming this week that it asked the United States to base nuclear weapons in Poland. Polish President Duda told Bloomberg News:

“The problem, first of all, is that we don’t have nuclear weapons,” Duda said in an interview with the Gazeta Polska newspaper published on Wednesday. “There is always a potential opportunity to participate in nuclear sharing.” . . . (My emphasis.) 

"In April, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Poland’s de-facto leader as the head of the ruling Law & Justice Party, told the German Welt am Sontag newspaper that his country was “open” to hosting US nuclear weapons.

“We have spoken to American leaders about whether the US is considering such a possibility” of Poland sharing the weapons, Duda told the newspaper. “The topic is open.”


I have to say that the Catholicism practiced in Poland is not the Catholicism that I know and love, just the opposite...

What truly practicing Catholic country would want to have nuclear weapons placed on their soil?

If the conflict with Russia and Ukraine escalates into a nuclear exchange, the first country to be annihilated could very well be Poland since it's only 3,000 miles from the Russian border, a mere hop-skip-and-a-jump when it comes to hypersonic nuclear missiles.  And, if Poland is stupid enough to have nukes placed in their country, you know Russia will take them out, pronto! 

Recent reputable articles from various sources are pointing to more than just hyperbole when it comes to talking about a potential nuclear Armageddon with the Russian Bear, the U.S. and NATO, effectively ending humankind as we know it.  

Biden, the Manchurian Candidate presently occupying the Oval Office, continues to ramp up the rhetoric poking Russia's President, Putin, with the aim of forcing him into a corner and ending his battle with the corrupt Ukraine.  

That ain't gonna happen, period.  

This aggressive, political one-upmanship, is turning out to be more of a deadly game of Russian Roulette, this time played with nukes...

See this article from Joe Biden Warns World Facing Nuclear 'Armageddon' from Vladimir Putin (

The apostate, "Catholic," pervert, Biden, said this: “I don’t think there’s any such thing as the ability to easily [use] a tactical nuclear weapon and not end up with Armageddon.”

Remember, this baby-killing, incoherent miscreant is the bad actor who has the authentication codes that must be used to launch our nuclear missiles and B-52 bombers, in a final act of lunacy and world-wide human destruction.

Sure, 81 million Americans voted for this murderous punk...

Pray for strength and honor for what might be coming down road in very short order...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Thursday, October 6, 2022

The Denial Of Our Constitutional -- God-Given Rights!

  Under the current Marxist regime occupying the Oval Office, this is nothing new...  

If you notice, over the last two years or so, the real bad guys, e.g., "Black lives matter," and the real insurrectionists, Antifa, have gotten away with mayhem, death and destruction -- literally! -- while the law-abiding are the ones singled out and punished for, what exactly??  For bearing witness to the truth??

I harken back to our Lord's day, when He was standing, scourged, bleeding, and humiliated before the mob of satanists and Pilate... Christ told Pilate that He had come to bear witness to the Truth... Pilate's response: What is truth?

Pilate didn't or couldn't recognize the Truth standing only a foot or two from him; he succumbed to the mob's call to crucify our dear Lord, and release the murderer, Barabas, instead, even though Pilate found no guilt in Jesus!

It seems that Pilate was intimidated by the mob and feared more social upheaval that could very well lead to his removal as the fifth governor of the Roman province of Judaea -- serving under Emperor Tiberius -- or death, perhaps?

It seems ludicrous that a human creature, Pilate, had the power of life and death over the Son of God, but he did, as our Lord told Pilate that his power -- and ability of the state to take a criminal's life was given from above (His Father).  Not that our Lord was a criminal, just the opposite, but the scales of justice were reversed in the "case" against Jesus... 

The rights of our Lord were, for all practical purposes, denied.  He had no one to act as His defense attorney, nor was He given an opportunity to show His mercy, forgiveness and healing of the ill -- and even raising the dead to life -- on numerous occasions.

We know that He was crucified and rose again; that is historical fact!

I digressed a wee bit here, to make a point on what is presently going on in court of biased public opinion as well as the outright denial of our Constitutional, God-given rights to defend ourselves by the dictates of tyrannical, treasonous "judges".  It seems that in 2,000 years there hasn't been much of a change: the good guys get prosecuted while the bad guys, in many cases, get off scot-free.

Take, for instance, the direction from the corrupt Attorney General, Garland, sending a memo to the corrupt FBI, telling them to surveil parents at school board meetings fighting the un-natural filth infesting many areas of the public school system and treating them as potential "domestic terrorists," while all along our southern border the real, foreign terrorists are slipping by the overworked border patrol agents trying to protect us from a planned invasion! 

I urge you to watch the following video from regarding the kangaroo court denying the right of Alex Jones to defend himself.  After you watch this video, try to figure out why the "judge" in this case is still a sitting judge, and why she hasn't been impeached and sent to jail.  

Full Press Conference! Alex Jones To Boycott Sandy Hook Show Trail (

I am absolutely convinced that there is little or no justice in this life, but to those who dispense their version of "justice," beware -- you will face the ultimate Judge at your Particular Judgment!  And may God have mercy on your souls!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Truth, Sarcasm Or War, Take Your Pick!

 Actually, truth will always win out, but in the meantime, we "simple" folks have to be able to discern what to believe, how to take or interpret sarcasm, prepare for WAR -- or all three!

I hate to say this, but ever since the apostate "Catholic," Biden, was installed -- not elected! -- to the presidency, we have inched, no make that giant-stepped toward a potential nuclear conflagration disaster with the Russian Bear -- over Ukraine?

It seems that the Biden Mafia has so much influence -- and control -- over the "president" of Ukraine, the filthy, former dancer -- and puppet -- Zelensky, since at least 2014, as well as the corrupt financial dealings with Robert "Hunter" Biden, that both countries -- as well as NATO -- have backed themselves into a dangerous corner with little wiggle room to get out of that corner short of a nuclear war with Russia...

And now, with Nord Stream 1and 2 gas pipelines being severely damaged -- read: sabotaged, one can easily interpret that as an act of war.  If such sabotage was done to American energy supplies, what would we do???

As each day passes, there is more and more speculation as to just who did what to those pipelines; who would benefit the most, who had the ability to accomplish those acts of sabotage?  

Well, it now seems that the treasonous rats holding the Oval Office hostage, have tacitly admitted -- through the incompetent Sec. of State, Blinken, that it was, in fact, the U.S. who did that dirty act.  

I am not speculating here, and neither is Tucker Carlson... Please watch and listen to what Blinken says regarding the destruction of the pipelines, here:   Tucker Carlson: Tony Blinken's Statement Is an Admission the US Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Bombings (VIDEO) (

What we are dealing with is a bunch of deep state maniacs more than willing to chance a war with Russia and to hell with the citizens of the U.S. -- and the world, for that matter, if that war turns out to be nuclear...  

And Biden got 81million votes back in 2020????

If anyone believes that I still have a bridge for sale on oceanfront property -- in Arizona!

We must pray for the defeat of these anti-Christs and beg for God's mercy and forgiveness for our spiritual sloth -- and worse!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Stockholm Syndrome! Actress Praises Covid Jab That Paralyzed Her, Vows To Take It Again!

 L U N A C Y!

What you are about to see is brainwashing so complete, that someone who has been injured and severely impaired by the filthy, deadly jab, says that she will take it (the jab) again!!!  

Please watch this video and see for yourself one of the reasons the world's population is in such an anti-life, anti-Christ mess... It's as if men have become nearly totally effeminate and women have abandoned their roles as the heart of the family by succumbing to the crazy zeitgeist promoting the very thing that hurts, not only themselves, but also their children...

 Stockholm Syndrome! Actress Praises Covid Jab That Paralyzed Her, Vows to Take It Again (

And, please, support Info Wars, one of the last bastions of truth left on earth!  A strong statement, I know, but if we Catholics are looking to the establishment "Catholic" Church for truth, we will be -- and have been -- sorely disappointed, as the new-world-order hierarchy of the novus ordo "church" continues to spew its schism and attacks on those faithful to our Lord.  I will say this: those who blindly follow the "bishops" over the cliff to their spiritual death, will have no one to blame but themselves when they stand before Christ at their Particular Judgment.  The ultimate and final result of the Stockholm Syndrome!

Pray for strength and honor and for the defeat of these anti-Christs...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Incredible Evil Of California Governor Newsom (A "Catholic"): A Reflection On The Apostacy In The Novus Ordo "Catholic" Church...

  With all the lunacy going on in the world, including the real threat of a nuclear exchange -- read, war! -- with Russia (and China?) over the Ukraine debacle and the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, you would think that would scare-straight those "Catholics" from their moral turpitude and get them back on the road to Christian sanity before the end of (their) world.

But no such luck...

(I recall my tour of duty in Vietnam... I did not succumb to the many sexual temptations that surrounded American troops, especially my brothers in the Security Police organization tasked with defending the perimeter of the many air bases in South Vietnam.  I wanted to stay on the straight and narrow not knowing if I would be blown to bits by mortars or rockets or gun-downed by enemy machine gun fire.  In other words, if I was killed, I at least wanted a chance of a stay in Purgatory and not be immediately condemned to hell for all eternity after taking part in sexual promiscuity, fornication and the like.  As a practicing Catholic, I just couldn't figure out why my brother police would take that chance.  Was I naive?  Perhaps, but my faithfulness "paid off" and I returned home in one piece -- still a practicing Catholic.)

As I have said and written many times, what is going on in the novus ordo "Catholic" Church, trickles down to secular society and reflects the apostacy from the supposed pope on down through the rest of his hand-picked hierarchy, many of whom are debauched sodomites themselves, attempting to change authentic Church teaching regarding the horrific sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

The connection between the church and secular society is undeniable...

Please read this article from

Newsom Signs Bill Making California "Sanctuary State" For Children Seeking 'Gender Affirming' Surgery - Without Parental Consent (

A warning for potential offensive language! 

Here is an excerpt from the article: "The bill, SB 107, was authored by Senator Scott Wiener, a far-left, childless pervert who previously introduced a bill that would allow judges to decide whether to list a man as a sex offender for having ora.. or ana.. sex with a same-sex minor." (I purposely left off the last letter of the two words above.)

This is not the first time this apostate's actions have been diametrically opposed to real Catholic Church teachings on faith and morals, including his recent propaganda plastered on billboards in more than a few states proclaiming that California welcomes those females who want to kill their pre-born babies, but cannot now do so in the states where they live!  

Think about that one!

Unbelievable evil!

Why are these miscreants getting away with their wickedness?  One answer can be that they are their own little gods and don't believe that they will be held accountable for their un-Catholic, un-natural actions.  Or, perhaps, the case can be made there is no one to fight back for or defend the righteous side of things.  There is certainly little pushback -- or admonishment -- from the novus ordo hierarchy, you know, the shepherds whose job it is to lead the flock to Christ... Rather, it seems that the apostacy is so great and widespread that there is only a small handful of "good" bishops and priests willing to take on the establishment -- whether secular or ecclesiastical.  Is that because of the "hitmen," the "henchmen" who work for Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome, who threatens anyone who dares to resist him to his face, as well as his constant attacks on those communities that cling to the Mass of the ages, the TLM and those who attend at said Mass?

One thing that we Christians can do, is to pray for the conversion of these wicked, bad actors, but also pray for strength to resist their filth -- without compromise -- run a good race to the end and win the crown of eternal life (St. Paul). 

We must also pray for mercy and beg our Lord that He does not release His justifiable wrath on our country -- and our world!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


Devastating Implications Of Heretical "Cardinals" Voting In The Next Conclave! (The Sedevacantists Will Have A Field Day, Proving They Are "Right"!)

 Think about the horrific implications of heretics voting for the next pope! What are some of those implications? How about the fact that a ...