Saturday, October 1, 2022

Incredible Evil Of California Governor Newsom (A "Catholic"): A Reflection On The Apostacy In The Novus Ordo "Catholic" Church...

  With all the lunacy going on in the world, including the real threat of a nuclear exchange -- read, war! -- with Russia (and China?) over the Ukraine debacle and the blowing up of the Nord Stream gas pipelines, you would think that would scare-straight those "Catholics" from their moral turpitude and get them back on the road to Christian sanity before the end of (their) world.

But no such luck...

(I recall my tour of duty in Vietnam... I did not succumb to the many sexual temptations that surrounded American troops, especially my brothers in the Security Police organization tasked with defending the perimeter of the many air bases in South Vietnam.  I wanted to stay on the straight and narrow not knowing if I would be blown to bits by mortars or rockets or gun-downed by enemy machine gun fire.  In other words, if I was killed, I at least wanted a chance of a stay in Purgatory and not be immediately condemned to hell for all eternity after taking part in sexual promiscuity, fornication and the like.  As a practicing Catholic, I just couldn't figure out why my brother police would take that chance.  Was I naive?  Perhaps, but my faithfulness "paid off" and I returned home in one piece -- still a practicing Catholic.)

As I have said and written many times, what is going on in the novus ordo "Catholic" Church, trickles down to secular society and reflects the apostacy from the supposed pope on down through the rest of his hand-picked hierarchy, many of whom are debauched sodomites themselves, attempting to change authentic Church teaching regarding the horrific sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance...

The connection between the church and secular society is undeniable...

Please read this article from

Newsom Signs Bill Making California "Sanctuary State" For Children Seeking 'Gender Affirming' Surgery - Without Parental Consent (

A warning for potential offensive language! 

Here is an excerpt from the article: "The bill, SB 107, was authored by Senator Scott Wiener, a far-left, childless pervert who previously introduced a bill that would allow judges to decide whether to list a man as a sex offender for having ora.. or ana.. sex with a same-sex minor." (I purposely left off the last letter of the two words above.)

This is not the first time this apostate's actions have been diametrically opposed to real Catholic Church teachings on faith and morals, including his recent propaganda plastered on billboards in more than a few states proclaiming that California welcomes those females who want to kill their pre-born babies, but cannot now do so in the states where they live!  

Think about that one!

Unbelievable evil!

Why are these miscreants getting away with their wickedness?  One answer can be that they are their own little gods and don't believe that they will be held accountable for their un-Catholic, un-natural actions.  Or, perhaps, the case can be made there is no one to fight back for or defend the righteous side of things.  There is certainly little pushback -- or admonishment -- from the novus ordo hierarchy, you know, the shepherds whose job it is to lead the flock to Christ... Rather, it seems that the apostacy is so great and widespread that there is only a small handful of "good" bishops and priests willing to take on the establishment -- whether secular or ecclesiastical.  Is that because of the "hitmen," the "henchmen" who work for Bergoglio, the Bishop of Rome, who threatens anyone who dares to resist him to his face, as well as his constant attacks on those communities that cling to the Mass of the ages, the TLM and those who attend at said Mass?

One thing that we Christians can do, is to pray for the conversion of these wicked, bad actors, but also pray for strength to resist their filth -- without compromise -- run a good race to the end and win the crown of eternal life (St. Paul). 

We must also pray for mercy and beg our Lord that He does not release His justifiable wrath on our country -- and our world!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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