Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Getting What THEY Deserve: STD Rate Is 'Out of Control,' Syphilis Cases Highest Since 1948...

  There are more important issues facing humankind, e.g., the prospect of a thermal nuclear war (World War III), hanging over our heads like the Sword of Damocles by the spiraling out of control of the war between Russia and Ukraine -- with NATO and the U.S. sending weapons and ammo, bolstering the corrupt government of Zelensky.  

One would think that such a catastrophic possibility would be news item number one on the "6 o'clock news" day in and day out, even on the bought-and-paid-for Marxist, mainstream media, but it isn't.  

But what is?

Here is a headline from an article on cnsnews.com, written by Bill Donohue of the Catholic League: STD Rate is 'Out of Control,' Syphilis Cases Highest Since 1948.

(By the way, this is another article that should be covered in the mainstream media but isn't.  I wonder why?)

STD Rate is 'Out of Control,' Syphilis Cases Highest Since 1948 | CNSNews.

(WARNING!  There is some graphic language used to describe certain areas of the body illustrating how STDs can be spread.)

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article...

"As usual, those most responsible are not white people, Asians, heterosexuals or women: blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and homosexuals have the highest rates. Drug use and alcohol use are contributing to risky behavior."  (My emphasis.) 

"...Moreover, the latest news comes on the heels of monkeypox, a disease that is overwhelmingly driven by gay sexual behavior.

"In other words, self-destructive behavior is taking a toll on those who refuse to tap the brakes that God gave them. Even more bizarre, it was found that condom use is declining."  (Again, my emphasis.) 

And this: "In the fiscal year that ended in 2008, the New York City Health Department under Mayor Michael Bloomberg gave away 39,070,000 male condoms to community groups. That figure was more than double the rate from the previous fiscal year. The result: syphilis cases increased by 20 percent. What lesson did they draw from this? They said they would hand out 51.6 million condoms the next year."

(My emphasis.)

Finally... "Every time we have another increase in STDs we hear about the need to lessen stigma. It never seems to occur to those who voice this position that the less stigma we have, the worse matters get."

End of excerpts...

My comment... It seems that the only response from government officials is to throw more money, i.e., more gasoline on the fire! rather than get to the source and reason for the un-natural sin of Sodom.

Do you think that our elected reps would have the guts to admonish the sinner and instruct them in the Natural Law and God's divinely revealed law in order to save their immortal souls?   

After all, isn't it the job of government to guide its citizens to the heavenly beatitude and the Blessed Trinity?

So-called separation of church and state be damned!

Pray for world peace and for the conversion of the sodomites...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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