Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Traditional Catholics: ...People To Be Feared, ...Dangerous People...

  To my traditional Catholic brothers and sisters, I do not fear you, nor do I think that you are dangerous in any way, shape or form.  Do you fear me?  Do you think I'm dangerous?  I hope not...

But there are those in the novus ordo hierarchy that think that we traditional Catholics are to be feared and that we are a dangerous bunch of tradition worshipers!

See this video from Dr. Stine of returntotradtion.org...

(375) Francis Praises Hollywood Culture While Insulting Faithful Catholics - YouTube.

We (rad) trads are a cut above the banal, the vulgar, the novel, when it comes to the novus ordo liturgy, in fact, we "prefer" the TLM of the ages, the sublime worship due to our Lord and the most Holy Trinity.  This is not bragging, but a simple, undeniable fact, like it or not.

In my humble opinion, that sublime (TLM) worship exceeds, by leaps and bounds, what is usually found at even the most "reverent" novus ordo masses.

In the spirit of real church unity, I would invite any novus ordo man, woman and child to attend a traditional Latin (high) Mass and see and experience what it's all about -- and why so many young and growing families have made the "switch"!

But if it were only a case of some misguided, biased or uneducated malcontent attacking us, that would be one thing, but when attacks come right from the top of the hierarchy, then there is a real and ongoing, imminent threat to our ability to attend the most beautiful thing this side of Heaven, the TLM!

It seems that never a day goes by without more blather pouring out of the mouth of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and his arrogant and condescending attitude to those who attend the traditional Latin Mass of the ages...

Why is this???

Bergoglio continues to espouse "tradition," but what tradition is he talking about???   The "tradition" that magically appeared out of thin air emanating from Vat. II???  He can't be referring to the sacred Tradition handed down to us from day one -- from the Apostles themselves, right?   

So, he must be talking about secular tradition and what passes for the "values" and "beauty" of today's culture, including the bizarre and deadly sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance.  

See my two previous articles here: 

More In-Your-Face Evidence That Bergoglio Is An "Anti-Pope" By Directly Contradicting What The Church Has Always Taught...


The Absolute Lunacy -- And The Insanity -- Of Twisting Of Catholic Tradition To Fit The Novus Ordo "Church" By Sinister Hierarchical Modernists...

The bottom line is that we trads are under constant attack from our own shepherds.  Instead of the bishops doing what they were commissioned to do, they are doing the exact opposite: scattering and attacking the flock of Christ!   

Something is very wrong... 

As President Truman quipped: the buck stops here, at my desk.  The same holds true for what is left of the institutionalized church: the buck stops at the desk of the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, and he will be held accountable for his attacks on the true faith and the true Church founded by our Lord, Jesus and His Apostles and handed down to the faithful through the ages...

Pray for strength and honor and for the conversion of the Bishop of  Rome, Bergoglio...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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