Wednesday, September 21, 2022

The AMERICAN Culture Of Death And The Russia/Ukraine War...

  If I were to write that things are getting really dicey in the Russia/Ukraine war, and that war may very well spill over into Europe (NATO) and even the United States, would that surprise you?

It shouldn't.

President Putin has had just about enough of the West's poking the Russian Bear and the threat to put nuclear missiles almost at the border of Russia, aimed at the major cities within the Russian Motherland.

Now, Putin is encouraging several "breakaway" -- "pro-Russian" -- territories (Donetsk and Luhansk) in Ukraine to hold referendums to decide if they want to (re)join Russia.

If this were to take place, any Western move against those territories could result in Russia defending those territories as an attack on Russia itself!  If that were to happen, all bets are off as far as the use of nukes against the West (NATO -- and even the U.S.!) 


Who remembers the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962?

I do.  I was in high school at the time...

My brother was stationed on the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Constellation during those scary times... I remember my dear mother was on pins and needles knowing that things could have gone south very quickly.  In fact, things would have gone south very quickly -- for the entire world -- if the nukes started to fly!

But Kennedy and Khrushchev finally came to an agreement to remove the Russian ballistic missiles from Cuba and the U.S. agreed to remove some nukes from Turkey...

Now, 60 years later, the technology and power of nuclear missiles is almost beyond the imagination!  A nuclear exchange between Russia, NATO and the U.S., would surely bring an end to humanity as we know it, where any survivors would envy the dead, ushering in a "Mad Max," post-apocalyptic scenario...

Will calmer heads prevail if we inch closer to World War Three or will our plans for the future of our families be dashed against the rocks -- and we get the wrath of God that we deserve, as did Sodom and Gomorrah?


What does this have to do with the title of my article: The American Culture of Death and the Russia/Ukraine War?

The U.S. is guilty of mass killing of non-combatant civilians as well as combatants in our never-ending invasion and occupation of sovereign nations, e.g., Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and numerous other attempts to change the regimes and insert American (CIA) puppets to reflect and spread the idea of American "democracy"...

But it's not only that, it is the fact that, here in the U.S., we kill over 300,000 pre-born babies each and every year since the horrendous and deadly 1973 Roe v Wade Supreme Court decision that opened the floodgates of death, mayhem and the "harvesting" of baby parts from aborted -- but still alive -- babies that survived the attempt to massacre them, then eventually discarded as medical waste.  And with the recent overturning of Roe, it is now up to the states to decide life or death of the pre-born!


The "overturning" of Roe was practically meaningless... It is up to God almighty -- the Giver of life -- to decide when to take it, not state legislatures...

How about the rampant drug epidemic that kills over 100,000 young Americans every single year?  Much of those drugs enter our country through our porous, southern border and with the current Marxist treasonous rats holding our country hostage, the amount of the deadly drug fentanyl coming in from Mexico has increased dramatically, ending up on Main Street, U.S.A., mix that with other illicit drugs and you have a witch's brew of death and sorrow...

The culture of death is further fostered by the liberal elitist, Demonrat mayors and governors handcuffing law-abiding citizens while, at the same time, letting criminals off with a slap on the wrist, literally!

Where is the incentive to change a criminal's life around?  The death penalty has been taken away as a means of protecting the commonweal, and the bad guys know this, killing in those dens of liberalism... 

The American Culture of Death is also being perpetuated by the obvious weakness in what passes for the Catholic Church, specifically, the novus ordo church.  This is the "church" that the world sees as the institutionalized organization -- the Vatican -- headed by the Bishop of Rome, (Francis) Bergoglio... 

There have been numerous articles, videos and even books depicting the contradictory "teachings" of Bergoglio when compared to what the authentic Church has always and everywhere taught and believed for the last 2,000 years...

This is also a spiritually deadly ingredient in the witch's brew I mentioned above.  Those corrupt and wicked shepherds are leading the flock, not to Christ, but away from Christ and to His -- and our! -- deadly enemy, Satan, the father of lies and murder...

There is always hope, but that hope must be tempered with a reality grounded in a rightly formed conscience based on Him Who sacrificed His life for ours... Without Him, we can do nothing...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 







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