Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The Sacrilegious State Of The Novus Ordo "Church": Traditional Latin Mass Banned, But Hindu Worship Is approved!

 You can't make this stuff up!

Remember Assisi during the reign of "St." John Paul II?

Well, it has only gotten worse as we know with the demonic Pachamama debacle, et al...

Watch this short video -- without crying, if you can -- and see for yourself that this sacrilege had full approval of the local "priest" and the "bishop"!

(389) Traditional Latin Mass Banned, but Hindu worship is approved. - YouTube.

Do you get the picture?  Do you see what is going on here?  Do you know -- if you didn't already know -- that this is all by design and is being pushed by the one who occupies the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio?  

It should be apparent that Bergoglio -- who, by the way, no longer refers to himself as the Vicar of Christ -- is bound and determined to destroy, completely, the traditional Latin Mass of the ages and foster a one-world, new-world-order "religion".  (Watch for more bans and restrictions of the TLM coming later this year and early next year!)

It should also be apparent that the wolves are in charge of the flock (of Christ), the lunatics are in charge of the asylum, the gangsters are in charge of "law enforcement," say it any way you want, but the fact remains for all to see, that we faithful Catholics will soon have to go back to the catacombs just as the Catholics in the early church, and as those in Communist Red China were forced to go underground with the diabolical 2018 deal brokered between the Vatican and the commies...  

What we faithful Catholics must realize is that the Elect, the Remnant, are the targets of the man-made, atheistic "religion" where dogma is out, and the zeitgeist is in!

After all, wasn't it the mantra of the Second Vatican Council that the Church must open the windows and let in some fresh air, and embrace the spirit of the age and be made meaningful to the "values" of the world?   

By their fruits will you know them...  

The reason why our Lord founded the Church in the first place was to bring those outside -- the Gentiles, pagans and all others -- into the one Ark of Salvation, in other words, the goal of the Church is the salvation of souls, period.

Well, I hope you didn't cry watching that horrific desecration of a once-Catholic cathedral, but as I wrote above, this is all by design...

Pray for the defeat of the miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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