Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The So-Called "Respect For Marriage Act" -- National Suicide In The Making, Embracing The Sin That Destroyed Sodom And Gomorrah...

  As the Church goes, so goes society... See this video from Dr. Taylor Marshall: (514) German Bishops decree homosexual acts ‘NOT SINFUL' - Dr. Taylor Marshall - YouTube.

Sick, twisted, evil, wicked, treasonous rats in the Republican Party are ready to sign on to the so-called "Respect For Marriage Act," that, if passed in the Senate, would enshrine -- and codify -- the un-natural act of sodomy into federal law, forcing this filth onto the American landscape!

When will this lunacy end, Lord?  When?  

The "magic" number needed in the Senate is 60 -- 60 votes to avoid a filibuster.  So far, the following traitors to their party -- and to God! -- say they will vote to officially recognize the "right" of homosexuals to "marry."  These maniacs are the usual suspects that frequently undermine God-given common sense when voting in the Senate: GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Me.) and Rob Portman (Ohio) are co-sponsors of the billSen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) supports the legislation, and Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) has indicated she backs gay marriage.  

Senators Collins and Murkowski are big supporters of the "pro-choice" movement, meaning they are all for the killing of the pre-born in the most heinous of ways, they claim, to make sure that females have access to proper "medical care" wherever and whenever they feel the desire to destroy the life developing within them!    

Yeah, "medical care" -- but not for the baby... 

So, why should anyone be surprised to see these rats lend their evil support to such bizarre and anti-human "marriage" legislation?

Once one is in the grip of Satan, it is very hard to break his chains of lunacy and hate, infecting and possessing the intellect leading to the misuse of the free will given to us by God almighty.    

Here is an article from cnsnews.com that lays out this madness: 

400-Plus Republican Officials Sign Letter Backing Gay Marriage | CNSNews.

Notice the number, 400-plus!

Here is one excerpt from the article, that is, if you can stomach it...

"As Republicans and conservatives, we believe strong families and lasting relationships strengthen communities, and civil marriage is a fundamental freedom central to individual liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We stand with the 71 percent of Americans today, including a majority of registered Republicans, who support the freedom to marry for all Americans."

Seventy-one percent of Americans support the sin of Sodom?  If that's true, we are suffering a moral turpitude worse than I could ever have imagined in my lifetime!

(And we wonder why we are betrayed at almost every turn-- by these same turncoats who are supporting this filth --, including funding the industrial-military-complex to "help" Ukraine fight the Russians.  When, in reality, it is the United States that is fighting a very dangerous proxy war with the Russian Bear, continually poking him with a very sharp stick and forcing him into a corner.  When that happens, that Bear can and most likely strike back -- possibly with nukes.  And if that happens, we can kiss life on earth goodbye as we know it and any survivors will surely envy the dead.)

The Demonrats need ten -- count them, ten -- Republicrats to vote for this heinous legislation, the bad guys already have the four listed above.  Will another six betray the American people -- and God! -- and cast their precious vote for the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance?

Supposedly, this legislation will come up for a vote in the next several weeks, please pray for the defeat of this diabolical measure and for the defeat and conversion of these satanists...

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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