Saturday, September 17, 2022

The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio, Has Now "Taught" Heresy!

 I take no delight in posting the following two videos that "prove" that Bergoglio has now "taught" heresy.

It cannot be denied.  One cannot do verbal gymnastics to try to circumvent the facts of Bergoglio's monstrous declarations that directly violate Church teaching, especially those of a real dogmatic council -- that of Trent, not the phony "super dogmatic" Vat. II.  Yes, believe it or not, that is what some novus ordo Catholics really think that Vat. II is!  This speaks loudly of the poorly catechized generation-and-a-half since that non-dogmatic, non-binding pastoral council that was supposed to let "fresh air" into the Church, but, in reality, let the smoke of Satan into the sanctuary!  

I urge my readers to watch and listen carefully to the following two videos; they are devastating and points out the continuing scandalous papacy of "pope" Francis...

From and

(67) BREAKING: Bishops show Pope Francis' statement on Holy Communion contains 'HERESY' - YouTube.

(67) Francis Doubles Down On Heresy While Media Slimes Good Bishop - YouTube.

I can post numerous recent articles and videos that can corroborate the disastrous musings of the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio...

What all this boils down to is a pattern of throwing authentic Church teachings under the bus and causing a heinous moral and spiritual relativism, by an ongoing scandal that has led many Catholics down the road of confusion, apostacy -- and perdition

I cannot imagine the accountability that Bergoglio will have to face at his Particular Judgment, we must pray for his conversion, but not for his evil and wicked intentions -- to destroy the Church of Christ...

 Pray, too, for strength and honor to be able to resist such wickedness and discern the truths of the Catholic faith...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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