Thursday, September 15, 2022

The Big Lie And Controlled Opposition...

  Pilate: Truth, what is truth?

I'm really beginning to wonder if there is any hope for mankind.  

Of course, I know that our Lord will ultimately win the battle with the powers of darkness, but on a daily basis, it seems that the demon has the upper hand in the affairs of men.

How does he do this?  

With the constant drumbeating of lies on top of lies, so many lies that the lackeys of the devil fall all over themselves trying to cover the last lie they told, making them look even more foolish than when they told their previous lie!

A truly vicious circle of lies and stupidity...

With the current anti-American cabal in power in D.C., is it any wonder why there is so much talk -- from the hard-core Left -- about doing violence, or threatening to jail those patriots who have a different opinion, about for instance, the direction in which our beloved country is going?  

For example, in recent days there has been some very disturbing rants from the ultra-liberal lunatics running for office -- or from those who have been in office for far too long and should be thrown out of office, that is, if we can have fair elections not tainted by massive voter fraud including illegal ballots being "harvested" or dead people "voting."   

Here are just two examples of those who want to incite violence against those who support President Trump, or just want to be a free and peace-loving people... 

This headline from (Rest assured that this is only one such article that is in the public domain to show the hate of the Demonrat Left.)

Climate of Violence

Sen. Mazie Hirono Issues ‘Call to Arms’ over Potential Abortion Ban After Tim Ryan’s Call to ‘Kill’ MAGA Movement

Dems Go All In on Dark Brandon’s Dangerous Rhetoric

If you notice the White House has been silent on this lunacy, not one word of condemnation!

But this is to be expected when Biden made a very dark and inciteful "speech" a short time ago, labeling "MAGA" folks as "extremists" and the enemies of the country!  There was a very strong implication that in order to combat the supposed threats, as Biden's rant continued, that the use of the military forces would, or could be used to quell any perceived opposition to federal governments dictates or "insurrection" that might occur... 

Let's face it, it was Biden's handlers and speech writers that blew it for the Demonrats, because now more than half of the country are considered to be the bad guys -- and will vote accordingly!

If you notice too, that the Marxist media always gives a pass to such miscreants but will jump on every single word that either President Trump or one of his supporters utters and take those words out of context, while, on the other hand, the actual call to violence by the Left is ignored... 

Then there is the "controlled opposition"... 

What and who are they?  And what is their job?  

Controlled opposition are those "conservative" talking heads you see and hear on several of the "news" shows that broadcast on Fox and some of the other "alternative" -- but mostly mainstream -- news outlets...

They "counter" the drivel of the Left but stop short and refuse to cross that line in the sand and break through the false narrative and the lies with what some might consider just conspiracy theories, even if those "theories" are the truth itself!

As an example, who on the Right -- again, in the mainstream Right -- labels the 2020 presidential election an outright fraud?  

No one.  They insist on referring to Biden as "president" -- it never fails. 

Or how about the recent anniversary of 9/11?  With all the obvious evidence seen and recorded, not only by those in the know, but also by the heroic first responders on the ground during that massacre, being dismissed or not being called to testify as to what really happened before the so-called 9/11 commission.  Or the taking of physical evidence from the crime scene never to be seen of again and used as scrap or shipped overseas... 

The controlled opposition immediately labels anyone who even dares to mention these anomalies as nut jobs, kooks or conspiracy theorists... I have seen and heard this with my own eyes and ears! 

And finally, the job of the controlled opposition is to please the corporate masters -- so they can keep their jobs

Let's face it, truth is the enemy of the powers of darkness, of the Left who hate America, and want us patriots to disappear from the scene of life forever...  Sorry to disappoint those bad actors, but we are not going anywhere, and we will defend our freedoms and our families with every fiber and strength that our good God gives us! 

Always pray for the defeat of these liars -- and for their conversion!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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