Sunday, September 4, 2022


  Here are a couple of meanings of the word stooge.

1. A person who serves merely to support or assist others, particularly in doing unpleasant work, also a puppet or a pawn...

2. A performer whose act involves being the butt of a comedian's jokes.

Did you suffer through the speech of the tyrant, Biden, the other night, threatening the majority of Americans with the implication of retaliation for the "crime" of having a different opinion?  Of expressing our right to freedom of speech or of the Second Amendment, or of being God-fearing and pro-life??

I truly think the incoherent lunatic is, in fact, insane...  Sure, the installed puppet in the Oval Office seemed to backtrack the very next day after his handlers probably "hinted" he went too far.  Remember the mid-terms are just around the corner...

What we are witnessing are the treasonous rat, Marxists showing their true colors, that is, if we hadn't seen this so many times before.  But the rant that drugged-out Biden gave, was reminiscent of the diabolical antics of the arch murderer, Hitler.  That is not an exaggeration.

In recent appearances, Biden is flanked, I'm sad to say, by veterans and law enforcement.  I find it hard to believe that my brother veterans would allow themselves to be used as stooges and pawns for the anti-American agenda that this puppet of the new-world-order spouts every time he opens his mouth, with permission, of course...

It literally drives me nuts to see vets in the audience, not to mention cops of various ranks, too...

It makes me wonder, will those vets used by Biden be on our side when the stuff hits the fan?  Or will they continue to be the useful idiots until they, themselves, are taken out after their usefulness ends? 

And as for the cops... It also makes me wonder just who are the good guys these days?  Are the cops there to "protect and to serve," or are they the ones that will break down your door in the middle of the night because you are law-abiding and believe in the American dream, and refuse to be subservient to a malevolent dictator?


By the way, there have been numerous "swattings" of several prominent politicians and other well-known personalities over the last week or two... This is instigated by radical, Leftist, Christ-hating lunatics hell-bent on getting the more conservative, pro-life folks shot by those very same cops mentioned above.  In fact, in one instance, it came very close to that happening with the double swatting of Marjorie Taylor Greene at her residence! 

Those responsible, if they are ever caught, should be thrown in jail for the rest of their natural, miserable lives...

Update... On a related topic, I have just learned that the Veterans Administration will now provide abortion "services," read: the killing of the pre-born to female veterans in direct violation of the various states that have outlawed the child-killing sacrifice to Satan.  Further, the VA has been prohibited to avail such barbaric procedures since a 1992 law was passed and is still on the books!  States must nullify these un-natural, godless dictates of an overreaching, behemoth, out of control federal bureaucracy intent on destroying our God-given gifts, liberties, freedoms -- and responsibilities -- before it's too late...

Pray for the defeat of these miscreants and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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