Friday, September 9, 2022

Playing GOD! And Why The Silence -- From? You Can Fill In The Blanks...

  Believe it or not, the very first Frankenstein movie was aired in 1910 and was made by (Thomas) Edison studios!  

Most people know about the iconic monster that was put together with bits and pieces of other humans, disgusting, I know, but the subsequent Frankenstein movies proved to be quite successful especially the 1931 version starring Boris Karloff... 

If we think about this for a moment, the idea of piecing together some thing made from other humans should be revolting to most conscious folks.  It should be, but is it?

Most have seen or heard about the selling of human baby parts to the highest bidder, exposed by undercover cameras and recordings.  Even though quite a bit of evidence has been provided to substantiate this gruesome "industry," the ones who captured these data are the ones that the bought-and-paid-for "authorities" are going after and not the perpetrators of this horrendous crime!  

Justice, we don't need no stinkin' justice!

And now, it has been recently revealed that the wide-open southern border is supplying a new and even more grotesque harvesting and selling of human organs, again, to the highest bidder...  Only this time, we are talking about walking, talking children that have been either smuggled into our country for that very same reason, or sold into sex slavery to have their innocent lives totally ruined, both physically and spiritually... 

Watch this video, but be aware of the possibility of some immodest ads on the site...

Human Trafficker Says Cartels Harvest Children’s Organs And Stuff Drugs In Their Corpses: REPORT | The Daily Caller.

On the other side of this despicable coin, is the revelation of the effects of those who have had the jab and the dire injuries and death from blood clots and other mysterious elements found in the arteries and veins of the deceased... 

The number of deaths in this country from the jab has been grossly underestimated, grossly underestimated!

Watch this video/interview...

It’s Far Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Jane Ruby Interview (

What this all amounts to is that there are unscrupulous, demonic individuals who play God.  But their real master in not our good God and Savior, but Satan, the father of lies and murder...

And whether it is injecting a known and potentially deadly "vaccine," or harvesting organs of still-living babies and children, the fact remains that Satan is having a field day right now and anyone who doesn't think so, has their head buried in the sand...

The question begs: Why The Silence -- From?  Can you fill in the blanks, or should I??

Let's try our elected representatives as a starting point... Where are the calls for a federal grand jury to indict these maniacs for crimes against humanity??  Drag Fauci et al into the courtroom and put them under oath and force them to tell the truth for a change.  And how about the clergy, especially the hierarchy: the bishops, cardinals and popes of the Catholic Church, albeit the novus ordo "church"??  Aren't they supposed to be the defenders of life until natural death?  Why don't they fight for the salvation of souls -- as is their job?!

The silence is truly deafening!

And what about closing the southern border and stop the illegal aliens -- which includes some of the most violent criminals and gangs from entering our country and killing and maiming our citizens through physical attacks and drugs?  Where is the outcry -- and action -- from the "conservative" pols regardless of what the Marxists in the White House say or threaten?  The very soul of the nation is at stake!

The moral and spiritual turpitude is becoming almost too difficult to bear...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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