Sunday, September 11, 2022

The Anniversary Of The Second Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Continues To Haunt Us...

 What really happened on 9/11/01?

Well, it's obvious, right?

No, it's not "obvious"...

But according to what we were told -- or even what we saw -- it was very obvious.

Did our brains absorb the data that was fed to us and from those data we came to the conclusion that from what the news media revealed was a terrible attack from the Jihadists who hijacked four airliners filled with innocent Americans killing them by flying those airliners into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in a field in Pennsylvania?

This is the official story, plain and simple.

But is that what really happened?

If not, then where did all those American passengers go if not blown to bits in those aircraft, crashing into the skyscrapers and the Pentagon building? 

Another question: what happened to Building 7?  And what about Building 6?

First, anyone who saw 7 come down, it was obvious that 7 was an absolutely controlled demolition.  There is no doubt about that.  

Years ago, I saw demolition companies bring down buildings making those buildings come down into their own footprint without any damage to surrounding buildings.  This is exactly what happened when 7 was brought down... Keep in mind that 7 was not hit by any aircraft and the official explanation by NIST said that the steel beams gave way (melted) because of office fires!   

Unbelievable!  And yes, it was unbelievable, it was a lie that most folks to this very day believe, hook, line and sinker...

Remember the "pull it" phrase made by Silverstein?  

Almost no one mentions Building 6.  Have you ever seen an arial photo of 6?   There is a massive hole -- an empty space -- right in the middle of the building?  How did that happen?   Please, correct me if I'm wrong...

A few more facts that need to be considered... One, I was in the Strategic Air Command for two years before I went to Vietnam.  NORAD was SAC's eyes and ears.  It was NORAD that would alert SAC HQ if there was an imminent threat to the U.S., whether an enemy bomber aircraft or missile.  At that point, SAC would initiate certain procedures to protect our country from the incoming, enemy threat.  

What happened with NORAD on 9/11?  

Well, they did their job and reported the rogue aircraft up the chain of command, which, by the way, is ultimately under civilian control.  In other words, all the military forces of the U.S. are under civilian control, with the president as the final authority to launch, etc...

Where were the fighter jet interceptors on 9/11?   

There were no interceptors to take out the planes that struck the Twin Towers.  There were no interceptors to take out the plane (missile?) that hit the Pentagon -- the most protected air space in the world!  



Were they told to "stand down"?  

If it is the case that they were told to stand down, then who gave that order and why?

The number of American servicemen who were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor was about 2,900, the number of those killed on 9/11 were about 2,900.  I contend that those Americans were sacrificial lambs led to the slaughter in order to fulfil the diabolical agenda of the new-world-order.  Sound farfetched?  Not really, if you look at what has transpired since that horrendous act was perpetrated on our country, such as our loss of our freedoms and liberties once guaranteed under the Constitution, but now relegated to the dictates of maniacal tyrants now in control of our federal government, issuing illegal, illicit "mandates" to control almost every aspect of our lives.  And, yes, that is the major conspiracy of our day!

I realize that uncountable articles and books have been written over the years about 9/11... Many of those articles and books accuse those who have a different opinion (or even facts!) about what happened on that deadly day as being conspiracy nuts and even anti-American bigots.  That will probably never change, but neither will the facts of the Second Pearl Harbor.

I accuse those who perpetrated the massacre of 9/11 on our country as traitors, they were then, and are to this day, treasonous rats...

For a good handle on "9/11," check out this article from Donald Jeffries: 

9/11: The Inside Job That Created America 2.0 (

Pray for our country and for strength and honor -- and for the defeat of the real terrorists trying to destroy our beloved nation!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 



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