Thursday, September 22, 2022

This Is What Happens When The Bishops Do Not Admonish Those Who Commit The Sin Of Sodom And Fail To Warn Them They Are On The Road To Perdition...

  Such a failure to do so, leads to the following... See this video from and posted by Dr. Stine...

(171) Bishops Of Belgium Kick Off The Apostasy In Flamboyant Style - YouTube.

The Natural Law be damned!

The homosexual agenda is being pushed on whatever remains of the novus ordo "church" by treasonous rat "bishops" who are, for the most part, sodomites themselves, that's only common sense.  

The proof is in the pudding -- and the details... And remember, the document quoted in the video probably had the prior approval of "Rome," otherwise, those clowns would not have published it in the first place!  

One of the salient points that must be made here, is that those rogue "bishops" do not fear any retribution or, more properly, condemnation from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.  Why is that?  It is all part of Bergoglio's attempt to remake the true Catholic Church into one that is neither Catholic nor a church in any sense of the word, but a whole new institution that mimics the Zeitgeist, in this case, the new-world-order headed by secular humanist anti-Christs.

I have said it before, and I'll say it again: there will be an Elect, a Remnant, the rest of fallen mankind will be consigned to the fiery pit, along with Satan and his minions.  Those poor souls will be separated from God for all eternity, yet as "harsh" as that may sound, it is still the fulfillment of God's JUSTICE!  

These errant "bishops" will be held accountable at their Particular Judgment for their heinous actions, especially leading their flocks to the father of lies and murder, Satan, instead of bringing the Prodigals back to Christ, our Lord.  

Pray for the defeat of those maniacs -- and for their conversion!  

Pray, too, for strength and honor!

 Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 


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