Saturday, September 24, 2022

It Is Absolutely Impossible For A Practicing Catholic To Vote For A Democrat (Demonrat).

  With the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine, there is now the MAD (mutual assured destruction) possibility of a nuclear exchange between Russia and NATO (the U.S., that is)!  

Does that sound impossible?  Not really, but what would that look like if such madness actually took place?   

To be honest, we can only speculate, but at the very least, our world would no longer resemble what we see and experience today.  I will say, though, that there is a very good possibility that a post-apocalyptic world be a gruesome exercise in futility and despair where the living would envy the dead...  

What does all this have to do with the title of my article?  Because a Demonrat (Democrat) is a shill for the satanic horror of aborting a pre-born baby.  For doing the work of the father of lies and murder, Satan.  A nuclear war would be an abrupt end to hundreds of millions of people worldwide, the end of their world.  Just as a pre-born baby's world ends in the most heinous of ways, it doesn't matter if that poor little baby is killed by a "doctor" in an abortion killing mill, or by a nuclear detonation!

Ninety-nine-point nine percent (99.9%) of all Demonrats are all for the killing of the pre-born, and some, all the way up to birth!  And, there are some Demonrats, that don't believe that a pre-born baby has a heartbeat after 4-6 weeks in the womb, even though this has been proven and such information is acknowledged.  Here is an excerpt from an article from (Abrams Mocked for Claiming Fetal Heartbeat a ‘Manufactured Sound' (

"Most ultrasounds detect a fetal heartbeat at eight weeks while some detect it at six weeks. As to the differences between heart and heartbeat, as Fox News pointed out, “even Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest abortion provider, stipulates that at five to six weeks, a ‘very basic beating heart’ develops.”

"Conservatives and pro-life activists immediately pounced on Abrams for her evidence-free argument, pointing out that even the National Institutes of Health (NIH) admits a baby’s heartbeat can be detected as early as four weeks."

The creature featured in the article goes by the handle of Stacey Abrams, an uncultured, pro-death maniac that is dead set on keeping the killing of the pre-born "legal" at all stages of development.  This foul worker of iniquity is a Demonrat candidate for the governorship of Georgia, if she is elected, she will undoubtedly attempt to change the "2019 Georgia law that banned most abortions in the state after doctors can detect a fetal heartbeat, which usually happens around six weeks."

Is Abrams alone in her determination to keep the killing of the pre-born "legal" up to birth, at all costs?  


In fact, there are several very prominent, "devout Catholics," such as Pelosi and Biden, who are hell-bent on making sure that such female "health care" remains on the books, that is, codified in federal law, even though the Supreme Court just recently ruled otherwise!

As I have written many times, it is apostate "Catholics" that are the worst enemies of the Natual Law, God-given common sense -- and most importantly, Christ our Lord and Savior!

Note, too, that it is the Pelosi and Biden types that are continually funding the corrupt regime in Ukraine with our hard-earned tax dollars propping up the military arm of Zelensky fighting the Russians... We are, in effect, fighting a proxy war with Russia, and the saber rattling has now turned nuclear, as Putin has stated that he will use all means necessary to protect the territorial integrity of Mother Russia from all threats, i.e., the nuclear-armed U.S. and NATO...

In light of the threat of nuclear war hanging over our heads like the Sword of Damocles, it is becoming more and more evident that the so-called consecration of Russia by the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, was not properly done nor accepted...

We must continue to pray for the defeat of these anti-Christ lunatics and that God will have mercy on our country!  But do we deserve His mercy or His justifiable wrath?  

You Catholics out there: you cannot be, nor vote for the Demonrats, if you do, you must confess it as a mortal sin and beg for forgiveness!   If you don't, you are jeopardizing your immortal soul by fostering the culture of death -- whether the killing of our tiny brothers and sisters in the womb or supporting policies that could lead to a potential nuclear war... 

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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