Wednesday, August 31, 2022

The Absolute Lunacy -- And The Insanity -- Of Twisting Of Catholic Tradition To Fit The Novus Ordo "Church" By Sinister Hierarchical Modernists...

 If there was ever any doubt about who the real enemies of the authentic Catholic Church -- and of Christ! -- are, then this short video from should clear up that doubt.

(239) Francis Seriously Violated The Law For His Own Wicked Plans - YouTube.

Make no mistake, neither I, nor Dr. Stine are "piling on the pope," no, just the opposite, his reporting is simply pointing out the injustice and outrageous acts of the wolves ripping off their phony clothes and exposing the reality of who they really are; enemies of the flock of Christ, with the intent to scatter and devour the sheep...

And that brings up another point... Are the sheep willing to fight for the faith?  Or are the sheep nothing more than "sheeple" unwilling to take a stand against these modernist monsters determined to destroy Tradition and the Traditional Latin Mass of the ages?

What we are dealing with is obedience, or, should I say, false obedience.  We cannot obey those prelates who tell us to take our families and jump off a ten-story building simply because they tell us to.  If we do obey that illicit, illegal and immoral dictate, then we men -- as the head of the family -- will be held accountable at our Particular Judgment for not using our God-given common sense, as well as for the physical -- and spiritual death -- of those entrusted to us... 

These novus ordo hierarchy are out in the open; they don't even attempt to hide their wickedness any longer, but attack and condemn those who hold to the Traditions we have learned either by our word or our epistle (paraphrasing St. Paul).

At the core of these attacks, is the establishment of a new "religion," but of course those bad actors cannot lay out their evil plans all at once for all to see, that would give their hand away.  Then again, it is possible that if that were to happen, would the average Catholic be up-in-arms and fight for truth and justice?  I wonder... 

Here is another video from Dr. Taylor Marshall that shows the depth of corruption and evil that infects the minds, hearts and souls of those masquerading as successors of the Apostles, especially when it comes to life-issues, i.e., abortion -- the killing of the pre-born...

(240) Archbishop Viganò Attacks Pope's Academy of Life for approving a-word - YouTube.

Fellow Catholics, it is incumbent upon us to acknowledge the majority of the novus ordo shepherds are the enemies of the spotless Bride of Christ, the real Catholic Church founded on the Rock of St. Peter.  It is up to the Elect, the Remnant, to fight like hell to preserve our precious faith handed down to us from our martyrs and Saints who shed their blood for Christ's sake -- and ours! 

Pray for the defeat of these miscreants -- and their conversion!

Pray, too, for strength and honor for what is surely coming down the ecclesiastical road...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fe. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  



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