Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Apostate Pelosi Strikes Again: "It's Sinful..." NOT To Kill Pre-Born Babies!!

 "Devout Catholic," Nancy Pelosi tells the world that it's sinful NOT to kill pre-born babies!  She completely ignores the teaching -- the fact -- that our bodies are not our own, but are the temples of the Holy Ghost, every real and faithful Catholic knows this...

(Notice too, how those in the video perpetuate the phony face diaper nonsense used to maintain fear and control over the mind-numbed robots in the audience.) 

Here is a short video from cnsnews.com showing these wicked, evil females explaining how they must persevere in fighting for the "right" to kill a pre-born baby in the most heinous of ways, including using chemicals to dissolve and eliminate the tiny baby developing in the womb of her mother.  

If you listen closely, you can hear and understand just how cavalier, how callus and cold these females are.  They are obviously in the grip of Satan, the father of lies and murder...

It is stunning that Pelosi continues to use her "faith" as justification for the genocide perpetrated on the most defenseless of our species, the pre-born baby, the gift of life given to us by God Himself...

Pelosi: ‘It’s Sinful…That They Would Be Able to Say to Women What They Think Women Should Be Doing With…Their Bodies’ | CNSNews.

As I have said and written many times: apostate Catholics are the worst and most evil of the enemies of Christ!

I know it is difficult, but we must pray for the conversion of these miscreants, not only for their own sake -- of where they will spend eternity, but also to mitigate the slaughter of our tiny brothers and sisters in the womb...

Pray too, for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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