Monday, August 8, 2022

Disrespecting The Bishop Of Rome, Bergoglio?

  A few weeks ago, there was a video on YouTube by a fairly well-known Internet Catholic priest.  His video was short and to the point: He claimed that there were videos posted on YouTube by Catholic commentators who post their own videos, podcasts and articles that show disrespect to the current occupant of the Chair of St. Peter, Bergoglio...

That caught my attention and got me to think: Am I disrespecting Bergoglio?

First, there should be a distinction between the man and the office he holds.  This is only common sense...  (In this case it is a man, but this also applies to a woman who can hold a high office in her profession.)

I can give a million examples of what I'm writing about there, but I think only a few will make the point and clarify that distinction...

Take for instance, the current occupant of the Oval Office, Biden.  Now, do I respect this character, this apostate, this self-proclaimed "devout Catholic," and his diabolical agenda to slaughter the pre-born, get every American jabbed with a deadly "vaccine"?

Of course not.

But do I maintain respect for the highest office in the land and the most powerful office in the world?

Of course, I do.

Second, regardless of who holds an office, if that person expects to be respected, they must earn that respect.  We are free Americans, not robots.  If I give my respect to someone, that says a lot, but if I don't respect someone, that also says a lot.  And it should tell you that something is amiss -- either with that person, or me!?

I will give one more example, then I will comment on the current state of affairs of the novus ordo church, and its current head, Bergoglio... 

When I was in Vietnam, I was assigned to two bases, both were in the II Corps theater of operations...

At the first base, the Flight Commander, Master Sergeant Williams, was a top-notch commander who was respected by his men, and that included me (as I was a fellow non-commissioned officer and would have followed his direction up to and including making the ultimate sacrifice in battle).

MSgt. Williams listened to his men, he showed concern and even took suggestions and advice depending on the situation.  He wasn't afraid to be on-scene and mix it up (that means engage, fight) with the VC.

I respected Master Sergeant Williams, 100 percent.

When I was transferred to another base, it was a different story when it came to the Flight Commander -- and even the Squadron Commander, a certain Lt. Colonel who shall remain nameless...

Instead of respecting the man, there was little respect but plenty of tension and friction between the "ground-pounders" and the hierarchy, the upper echelon in the Security Police organization...

The nearly 100-men-strong Flight (in the army that would be equivalent to a company of soldiers) certainly respected the office of Flight Commander and the Squadron Commander, but that's where it ended.  In fact, the situation between the commanders and the men got so bad, that there was almost a mutiny (that led to my book: Mutiny!  The Battle of Dong Ha)!

Can you imagine a mutiny in the Air Force Police ranks in wartime???

Sure, we followed orders, we had to, but that's all, no volunteering, no going the extra mile for those characters, just do your job and go home in 12 months...

Not good.

I'm digressing a little bit here, but it is important to make the point of the distinction between the man and the office he holds...

Now, getting back to Bergoglio...

I am a Catholic.  If I said that I didn't respect the office of the Chair of St. Peter, then I would have to have my head examined!  

But I ask, how can I respect Bergoglio when he is doing the direct opposite of what a pope is supposed to do?   In fact, instead of being the custodian and guardian of the Deposit of Faith, he seems to be doing all in his power to disrupt, corrupt and destroy the perennial teachings of the Catholic Church, and the Mass of the ages: the Traditional Latin Mass, the Mass that produced thousands of Saints and Martyr-Saints?  

He is homosexual friendly, globalist friendly, apostate friendly, and instead of admonishing those "Catholics" in high places and their demonic support of the murder of the pre-born, he encourages their continued reception of the Holy Eucharist, adding to their damned mortal sins!  

Sorry, I cannot respect such a creature...

Please understand that we pray for the conversion of Bergoglio, daily, in our Rosary and for the conversion of all the novus ordo hierarchy that they return to the Catholic Faith and stop the constant, unwarranted attacks on the Traditional Latin Mass communities...

In conclusion... I hope that I have made the distinction between the man and the office that he holds, and the respect due to each, or not...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla



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