Thursday, August 25, 2022

"Catholic" Organizations Composed Of Dissident Heterodox "Priests" Are Leading A Three-Pronged Attack On The Church From Within...

 I have said this before, and I'll say it again: the worst enemies of Christ and His Church are apostate Catholics who have swallowed the lies from the father of lies, Satan...

Eat of the apple and you will be like God... This from St. Thomas Acquinas' Summa: "But as regards the species of pride, the woman sinned more grievously, for three reasons. First, because she was more puffed up than the man. For the woman believed in the serpent's persuasive words, namely that God had forbidden them to eat of the tree, lest they should become like to Him; so that in wishing to attain to God's likeness by eating of the forbidden fruit, her pride rose to the height of desiring to obtain something against God's will. On the other hand, the man did not believe this to be true; wherefore he did not wish to attain to God's likeness against God's will: but his pride consisted in wishing to attain thereto by his own power. Secondly, the woman not only herself sinned, but suggested sin to the man; wherefore she sinned against both God and her neighbor. Thirdly, the man's sin was diminished by the fact that, as Augustine says (Gen. ad lit. xi, 42), "he consented to the sin out of a certain friendly good-will, on account of which a man sometimes will offend God rather than make an enemy of his friend. That he ought not to have done so is shown by the just issue of the Divine sentence."  (My emphasis.)

Read the entire discussion at: SUMMA THEOLOGIAE: The first man's sin (Secunda Secundae Partis, Q. 163) (

And now, we have this from

Priests Secretly Working To Destroy The Faith Exposed

See the video here: (104) Huge: Priests Secretly Working To Destroy The Faith Exposed - YouTube.

I have a question: When a male puts on the Roman collar, does that make him a priest of Christ?  Or is there more to it than how one dresses?  

Of course, there is more, much more...

I ask, why are supposed priests in "good standing" in the Church, attacking Church teaching on such crucial matters as the killing of the pre-born, the sin of the sodomites and the "ordination" of females to the priesthood???  

All of the above are condemned as grievous mortal sins that can lead to ex-communication from the Church, especially abortion and female "ordination".

Are those heterodox priests who are pushing this spiritually deadly nonsense really in good standing in the Church or not?  

Does it take a theologian to figure this out???   I don't think so...

We faithful Catholics -- and that includes good and holy priests -- are being attacked from within, the worst of all enemies. Sadly, we are getting little help from those who are supposed to be our shepherds failing in their job to guide the flock to Christ. 

We see this in the fact that the traditional Latin Mass communities have no bishop assigned to them to ordain or confirm but must rely on the good will of the local ordinary.  And because of the enormous pressure emanating from Rome to restrict and ban the TLM and the former Ecclesia Dei communities, this has become a dangerous and untenable situation that can only lead to dwindling numbers of priest in the long run... 

This is not by happenstance, but by design!  

Pray for the Elect and for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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