Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Massive Wave Of Canadian Doctors Have Died. And Are More Dying? Are American Doctors Also Dying En Masse -- And, If So, Is This Being Hidden By The Complicit Media??

 The families of these deceased doctors should be screaming from the housetops to investigate and demand answers as to why their loved ones died untimely deaths, seemingly, way before their time -- and before their assignments on earth were completed...

But are they?  I truly hope so.  Then again, it is entirely possible that they are so brainwashed into accepting the standard line that the "vaccines" are safe and efficient and had nothing to do with the deaths of their loved ones.  

I truly hope I am wrong here...

The number of deaths of Canadian doctors is much worse than I thought!  See my two recent articles here:   

Were Three -- Actually, Four! -- Young Doctors Murdered By The "Covid" Booster Shot??

This horrifying news apparently is not convincing the mind-numbed robots in the medical hierarchy that the jabs are debilitating -- and deadly.  For the most part they are, in fact, denying any correlation between the deaths of these young, vibrant, brilliant doctors and the fact they recently got the "vaccine," in some cases, days before they died.   

Here is an excerpt from Mr. Kirsch's article... 

"The vaccine kills people in subtle ways that are NOT being investigated by medical examiners. They are deliberately looking the other way.

Two of the most popular methods used by the vaccine to kill people are accelerating a cancer (which may have started from an earlier dose) and by causing a sudden death which, if the person is driving or swimming, appears to be a car accident or drowning.

Nearly all the medical examiners all look the other way when assessing a vaccine-caused death.

For example, I know a technician who works for a medical examiner who is seeing all these odd “blood clots,” but he says the pathologists “won’t listen or investigate”!'"

And this...

"But when normally healthy people all of a sudden die like this in rapid succession, you are being totally disingenuous if you rule out the vaccine as the likely instigator of the death.

What the fact checkers fail to point out is that in many cases, the diseases often first started after the first vaccine shot, and then got worse with progressive shots. Somehow, they always miss that point that the vaccine accelerated the death. The fact that all these doctors died in close proximity to the shots is just too coincidental."

My comment: It seems to me that those maniacs who want to reduce the earth's population to less than one billion people, will stop at nothing to achieve their diabolical goal.  We have seen this attempt to eradicate certain peoples from the earth, e.g., Hitler's holocaust fostered on the Jews in World War Two (it should be mentioned that it was not only Jews that were murdered in the concentration camps, but there were also about 1,000,000 Catholics as well as other denominations, Gypsies and others who suffered through inhumane experimentation and death in the most heinous of ways.  Of course, the great SAINT Maximilian Kolbe comes to mind volunteering to take the place of a young family man scheduled to be killed by injecting him with poison). 

But today, the globalists anti-Christs use more subtle ways of accomplishing their demonic goals, such as the propaganda that getting the filthy, deadly jab is doing your civic duty to protect yourself -- and others!  This nonsense is even coming from the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, telling Catholics that they have a "moral obligation" to get "vaccinated"!  Yeah, right...

Civic duty?   Or is it successful brainwashing believing that lie, as is evidenced by the number of Americans who refuse to think for themselves or question what they are being told to do and willingly stick out their arms -- and the arms of their little children -- to get the "vaccine". 

Absolutely incredible!  

And what about the number of American doctors perishing from the jab???  

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla 

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