Thursday, August 18, 2022

The "Planet Of The Apes" 2.0?

 The maniacs in the [in]human[e] de-population conspiracy are now in-your-face proclaiming what their intentions really are, no holds barred, period.

And what is their intention?  

To reduce the worldwide population back to the approximate year, 1500 A.D.!  

That would equate to about 500,000,000, in other words, in order to get to that "impossible" number, there would have to be some type of program to exterminate we humans by some cataclysm -- a nuclear world war comes to mind -- or how about a massive inoculation with a "vaccine" to combat a low-level, flu-like respiratory ailment, weaponized -- and propagandized -- to scare people half-to-death telling the mind-numbed zombies that if they don't get the jab, and wear a face diaper, they will all get sick and die.

Sound familiar?

As we now know, those who have been double, triple and quadruple vaxxed, are the ones getting sick -- and dying by the thousands, with many young people -- including young doctors -- dropping dead after getting the "covid" "vaccine"...  

Think about it: this diabolical scenario would mean that over 7,000,000,000 -- that's BILLION! people would be murdered in order to get to that "manageable" number so the elites could control and enslave those who are left.

But the question begs: who will decide who lives and who dies???

Please read -- and watch the short clip embedded in the article: from Jon Rappoport...  Jane Goodall: reset world population at 461 million (

These nuts are serious.  We have to be too.

Pray for strength and honor, and for the absolute defeat of these children of Satan...

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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