Tuesday, August 9, 2022

President Trump's Home Raided By The Rogue, Anti-American FBI/DOJ. What's Next???

 The lawless renegades that inhabit the so-called Biden "administration," reflect the Marxist, third-world, banana-juntas, right out of the old Soviet Union with secret police raiding the homes and businesses of the citizenry in the dead of night.

This outrageous invasion of the home of President Trump, is way beyond the pale!

If these anti-Christs can pull an unnecessary, unwarranted raid on Mr. Trump, these traitors can show up at my door -- and your door too! -- and arrest us on any made up, phony "charge", like, let us say, being a patriotic American, a veteran, pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, rejecting the filthy, deadly jab, etc., and classify you and I as potential domestic terrorists, while, in reality, the DOJ and the FBI are the real terrorists -- the real threat to our freedoms given to us by God almighty, not granted by government!  

If there was ever a time to begin to put into action the Declaration of Independence, that time is now!  It is our right as Americans to ensure that our freedoms will be protected -- even at the ultimate cost, the ultimate sacrifice! 

The license plate of the State of New Hampshire reads: Live Free Or Die.  I repeat, that's on the license plate of all residents of New Hampshire that drive a car!


Will it come to that, I don't know, but what I do know is that I didn't serve in two branches of the military, including Vietnam, only to have my rights taken away by the enemies of the human race -- the baby killing, homosexual loving apostate "Catholics" of the ilk of Biden, Pelosi and other haters of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, rights granted to us by our good God and guaranteed by our Constitution.

This entire event is much more than a "double standard" of "justice," no, it was targeted to instill fear into living, breathing Americans and as a threat to show who is in control and don't you dare buck the "system"!  If you do, we will hang you out to dry, just as those political prisoners are rotting in the D.C. Gulag after months and months of solitary confinement "simply" for exercising their First Amendment rights guaranteed in the U.S. Constitution... 

Lastly, if anyone thinks that what is happening in civil society has nothing to do with what is occurring in the weakened novus ordo "church", you are sadly mistaken...  The actions and words of the hierarchy are enabling such un-American activities to fester and spread like a gangrenous infection ready to kill the entire body politic if the diseased area is not cut away and discarded.   

As the novus ordo "church" goes, so goes society...   

Pray for strength and honor -- we will need it now more than ever!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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