Monday, August 22, 2022

Without Knowing It, The Anti-American Demonrats Are A Catalyst For Secession!

 See this article: NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the ‘Broken Constitution’ and ‘Reclaim America’

(NYT Op-Ed: Throw out the 'Broken Constitution' and 'Reclaim America' (

As usual, the anarchist/Marxist/insurrectionists use the tired, old mantra that the Constitution is "racist," "sexist," and written by “a tiny group of white slave-owning men,” and must be consigned to the dustbin of history -- by force, if necessary, as we have seen those same bad actors burn and loot over the past two years by those "bastions of patriotism," Black Lives Matter (BLM) as well as the Antifa gangsters... 

Okay, let's follow what should logically happen next...

Why not secede from the "union," and write your own constitution?  

Here are a couple of excerpts from the article...

“One way to get to this more democratic world is to pack the Union with new states,” the authors write. “Doing so would allow Americans to then use the formal amendment process to alter the basic rules of [politics] and break the false deadlock that the Constitution imposes through the Electoral College and Senate on the country, in which substantial majorities are foiled on issue after issue.”

My comment: Pack the union with new states??  

Beside Puerto Rico and D.C., where are the new states coming from?   Can or should the U.S. illegally annex new territories and force them to become states?   Maybe American Samoa?  How about dividing Alaska into a whole bunch of mini-states, or how about making the Aleutian Islands into a state or two??   Maybe divide California into several concentration camps -- I mean states, sorry... 

And this: "In March, MSNBC panelist and The Nation‘s justice correspondent Elie Mystal called the Constitution “trash” written by the “captains of the slaving industry.”

 "He also said the Founding Fathers were “racist, misogynist jerkfaces” and spoke of the importance of critiquing the origins of the Constitution, which he described as “not great” and often “working purposefully towards those not great outcomes.”

"In 2020, University of Texas at Austin Constitutional Law Professor Richard Albert argued that the United States should revise the Constitution to remove “racist” and “gendered” language."

My comment: see for yourself, the real enemies of the country are the lunatics teaching -- or, should I say, brainwashing -- in the universities heavily influenced by Communist Red China, with bought and paid for "professors" to spew their Marxist drivel and corrupt the thinking of the future leaders of our nation, heaven forbid!

So, I say again: If you folks hate the Constitution so much, why not secede from the "union," and write your own constitution?  But of course, the Left would never think of seceding... 

But I do know what the "Red States" should do, secede and form a more perfect Union with severely curtailed federal powers, leaving more powers to the states as originally defined in our Constitution... It seems to me that the leftist cabal is indirectly fostering the idea of secession, or am I wrong? 

(Note that there are already 19 states that have signed on to hold a convention of states, the magic number for that to happen is 34... Pray!)

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla

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