Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Bergoglio's So-Called "Teachings" Or His Opinions?

 Let me say right from the start: a pope's infallibility is a charism that must meet strict conditions.  In other words, there is a misconception among some of the novus ordo Catholic population that every word the pope utters, or everything he writes, whether in a motu proprio or encyclical, is binding on the conscience of all Catholics.  That is false!  But that "belief" has caused -- literal -- moral and spiritual weakness and even death!

A pope is a human being; he is entitled to his opinion just as you and I can state our opinions on various subject matter and those opinions can sometimes oppose what is an actual truth or fact.  In other words, we -- or the pope -- can be wrong.

In a rather silly example, the pope can make an announcement to the world that the far side of the moon is made of green cheese.

Does that mean that we Catholics have to believe and take as binding that nonsensical statement -- that opinion?

Of course not.

Is the pope a scientist, a doctor?  

No, he is neither.  I can list a hundred other professions that the pope has little or no knowledge whatsoever...

But what the pope is absolutely supposed to be is the guardian and custodian of the Deposit of Faith: Scripture and (sacred) Tradition, and not an innovator.  He is supposed to teach and instruct what that Deposit holds, not express his opinions about that sacred Deposit!

Sadly, we have seen way too much innovation by the enemies of the church from those modernist clerics that have, over the years, infiltrated Holy Mother Church, along with those specifically recruited to bring down the Church from within including communists, perverts and other deranged anti-Christ wolves in sheep's clothing...

And over the last two years, we have seen far too many in the hierarchy and those "authorities" in civil society calling for and insisting that we stick out our arms and get the filthy, debilitating and deadly jab to "combat" "covid"... 

Those calls, incredibly, have come from none other than the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio.  In fact, he has indicated that it is a moral responsibility to get "vaccinated"!  

And now -- even though the "covid" hoax has been downgraded even by the CDC and prominent "doctors" (first do no harm!), the call to get the jab continues, with Bergoglio saying that it is "an act of love"!

I'm not kidding!

Here is an article from lifesitenews.com that lays it all out... 

Vatican renews Pope’s push for COVID vaccination as an ‘act of love’ in new video - LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)

What planet is he living on???

With more and more revelations of young people dropping dead after receiving the "vaccine," and more and more doctors dying suddenly, you would think that common sense would be to call for a halt to the genocidal "vaccine," but that would be too much to ask -- or demand.

(See my article here: Massive Wave Of Canadian Doctors Have Died. And Are More Dying? Are American Doctors Also Dying En Masse -- And, If So, Is This Being Hidden By The Complicit Media??)

But why?

The answer is rather "simple": it has been the stated goal of the population control maniacs to reduce the earth's inhabitants to less than one billion, in fact, some have indicated that number should be 500,000,000 or less!  

So, according to Bergoglio, getting the deadly jab is "an act of love," conveniently disregarding the fact that the majority of the so-called vaccines have been developed from poor aborted babies, not to mention that those supposedly dying from "covid" are dying because of the "vaccines" or other causes, but thrown into the "covid" column!   This is not my opinion... Just check out the CDC's own website and see footnote number one: Deaths with confirmed or presumed COVID-19, coded to ICD–10 code U07.1.  

Further, here is the breakdown of that code: When COVID-19 is reported as a cause of death – or when it is listed as a “probable” or “presumed” cause — the death is coded as U07.1. This can include cases with or without laboratory confirmation.

So that's following the "science"?  

What we are dealing with is a -- successful -- massive conspiracy to kill off millions of humans to fulfil the globalist elites and their diabolical plan for world domination, serving their master, the father of lies, Satan...

I have come to the conclusion that the Bishop of Rome, Bergoglio, is one of those demonic lunatics out to destroy the population as well as attacking the last vestiges of authentic Catholicity: the Traditional Latin Mass and those former Ecclesia Dei communities who provide succor, strength and spiritual stability in a world gone mad with the diabolical entities that have taken hold of the intellects of those who are supposed to guide us to the Beatific Vision of Christ, our Lord...

Resist!  And pray for the conversion of Bergoglio back to the Catholic Faith...

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey! Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla  

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