Monday, August 15, 2022

That "Damned" R O S A R Y!

  Didn't you know that the holy Rosary -- the Rosary that pays homage to our Lady and Her Glorious Son, is an object used by "white supremacists," "extremists" and "radicals"? 

Didn't you know that?   What's wrong with you out there in the hinterlands?  

Can't you think for yourself?   Are you freaking brainwashed by anti-Christ Rome???

Those superfluous "vain repetitions"!  The Protestants were right!!

Throw those "rotten" beads away!  Get them off your person, pronto!

So what that soldiers -- and that included me -- had those little Rosary beads hidden in a pouch, deep down in my pocket in Vietnam!

Yeah, it's time to wake up and consign those Rosary beads to the dustbin of history, for your own sake!  Don't be fooled, don't believe in "fairy tales" or "superstitions"!

Brainwashed idiot!

Need proof of all that I just wrote?  Need confirmation of the need to discard those beads?

(Just a touch of sarcasm, if that needed to be said...) 

Well, here it is... Oh, by the way, both the interviewer and guest commentator are -- get ready -- Catholics who carry their Rosary beads with them!!

(7307) Liberal media outlet claims the Rosary is extremist symbol - YouTube.

(Unfortunately, the incessant attacks aren't only coming from the lunatic, God-hating Left, they are also coming from within the walls of the novus ordo church itself.  You see, they hate Tradition -- that's with a capital "T" -- and want to destroy the Mass of the ages and force the man-made concoction known as the new "mass" on all that remains of the faithful for the sake of "unity," don't you know.)  

We are in a spiritual battle, if we give up, we will end up in hell!

Remember, only the "violent" will take Heaven!

Pray for strength and honor!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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