Thursday, August 11, 2022

Children Of Satan...

 I love children.  I'm a father, a grandfather, and, yes, even a (step) great-grandfather.  

Some time ago, I told my son, James, that I would die for our little grandson, Max, because I have nothing to lose, and everything to gain (Heaven... there is no greater love for a man to give up his life for another). 

Of course, the same holds true for our "new" little grandson, Nicholas, now one-year-old...

The idea of sacrifice, and that includes loving our neighbor, can be difficult for some, but having charity for our neighbor is an essential part of the two-fold command that our Lord gave us: to love God and neighbor. 

Part of being a husband, father, grandfather -- and a good neighbor -- is to be willing to listen, understand and act, charitably, if that action is to admonish someone that has gone off the beaten path and lead that person, if possible, back to the flock of Christ.

Let's face it, when it comes to spiritual matters, probably the most important aspect of our lives, what we do or say, or don't do or don't say, can have a direct effect on where we will be spending eternity!

It can be tough to admonish those close to us, especially family members, because that can lead to a divided family as our Lord predicted could very well happen when we follow Him.

All that I have just written is, in my opinion, God-given common sense, it is following the Natural Law -- and should lead us to the divinely revealed law of God.

With all the craziness going on in the world, whether in the secular -- and especially -- in the ecclesiastical realm, it is confusing, scandalous, and downright threatening to our way of life: our values and traditions, our rights and responsibilities under God's law and under the Constitution, enshrined in the Bill of Rights...

When I look at what is happening with those in charge of our federal government and look at what is happening in what passes for the Catholic Church hierarchy, it is truly disheartening to see that, for the most part, we are on our own.  

But it is even more than that... It seems that not only are we on our own, but we are battling those very entities that are supposed to protect and defend our rights guaranteed under our founding document, the Constitution.  

It gets worse... We, patriotic Americans, are now the enemy, this, according to various decrees emanating from the very same agencies that are supposed to investigate the real enemies that threaten our nation from without -- as well as from within.

But why???

Because God-fearing, patriotic Americans are a threat to the complete takeover of our once-sovereign nation by the radical, anti-Christ, Marxist, globalists hell-bent on establishing a new-world, one-world order devoid of God and justice, and to subvert the initial cry that led to the founding of our nation: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness!  

These madmen long ago discarded the Natural Law in favor of the un-natural in the form of the slaughter or the pre-born and the other grievous sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance: the sin of Sodom.  They have, for all practical purposes, given themselves over to the father of lies, Satan.  They are, in effect, Children of Satan...

Sadly, however, we practicing Catholics are getting no help from the novus ordo hierarchy, just the opposite is true.  Instead of the leadership of the church that is supposed to defend the Deposit of Faith -- Scripture and Sacred Tradition, all we are getting are attacks on those who adhere to the real Faith and the real Mass of the ages.  

We see these Children of Satan seemingly running roughshod over the authentic Church that our Lord founded on the rock of St. Peter. It can easily make one wonder if the gates of hell have prevailed?  But they haven't and they will never prevail, that is, if you take the very words of our Lord to heart -- and soul.  The thing is, Satan knows that in the end he will fail and will be doomed for all eternity in the fiery abyss of hell.  That is one place I have no desire to "visit"!

When we received the sacrament of Confirmation, that made us Soldiers of Christ, ready to do battle with the forces of evil, whether that evil comes in a three-piece suit, wearing a Roman collar, or a black-hearted demon with horns -- they're all the same -- that sacrament should give us fortitude and courage to deal with these monster's intent on destroying our souls and casting us into hell.  

At this point in time, we must continue to pray for strength and honor to defeat these arch-criminals!

Viva Cristo Rey!  Bl. Fr. Miguel Pro, Fr. Emil Kapaun and Fr. Vincent Capodanno, pray for us...

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle...

Gene DeLalla


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